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Search options (Page 8 of 11) / Forums / Posts by TristEndo-in-spacebutt
Thank you for your concern sir it is an error made by my self. I am 11% illiterate because of my poor educational background. I hope you enjoyed my music.
p.s. i found the official art and will take another muddy photo of it where it was spelded rendezvous.
I love you guys
OxygenStar wrote:Dauragon wrote:nana na na na
na na nanananana
Let me know if you see a RadioShack.
I see a LoveShack
Looks like crazyQ was in charge of design.
blip has a way of clashing with college finals. Derris Kharlian for Blip 011 headliner 4 $ure
concept sketch001
I like the third one the most.. some cool designs man.
you need a bowser tat shirt 4 sure
if that was me! I would BRK him!
download aol 2.0. dial in and record the hand shaking. i like the noise when it just wont connect and it sounds like disapproving alien chatter.
super.guachin wrote:
Stickers Design, they were cut on the edge.
They look´s like real cartridges (only a little smaller)
well duh. why doesn't somebody make a crack of the 2.50 song version.
ducktales was a silly little diddy
weooooow! I already finished my track ZREEEEEEOOOOOWWWW and sent it on msn.
Posts found: 113-128 of 176 / Forums / Posts by TristEndo-in-spacebutt