e.s.c. wrote:

i'm confused. if you only have the one cart, you can only run either nanoloop or mGB at any given time. there is no nanoloop mode in mGB. which do you plan to use with ableton, nanoloop or mGB? if you're using nanoloop, you want to set the nanoloop usb midi adapter to SYNC mode. if mGB, you set the adapter to MIDI
edit: to clarify, you'd set the nanoloop usb midi adapter mode with the nlmidi command line tool (or more likely just use the .bat included in that zip). think you can with the web based version too, i just never use that myself

It looks like I confused myself.

Basically, I'm trying to send MIDI notes from Ableton into Nanoloop to play like a synth.

I've been attempting to get Nanoloop to sync with mGB.

I'm assuming after loading mGB to an NL ROM slot that I need to set mGB to NL mode. I've been trying to set mGB to NL mode with the ArduinoBoyEditor editor in Max and can't get it to connect over the Nanoloop MIDI to USB.

Is this an unnecessary step and mGB just works with NL when loaded, or do I need to connect mGB to the editor and set it to Nanoloop mode before mGB communicates with it?

My end goal is to get Nanoloop to work over MIDI with Ableton. I've been following this past thread, but I feel like I'm missing a step in connecting mGB to Nl: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/19716 … ding-roms/

Any ideas?

Side note: You can make a case for the adapter out of a GB screen. The adhesive holds it all together. smile

TetrisEffect wrote:

check your adaptor is the right side up.
it failed to work for me the first time i tried as i had it the wrong way round. lulz

aaaaaand I had it upside down....makes sense why the photo of the adapter plugged in is on the nlmidi page. hahah

I recently got my Nanoloop 1.7.6 cartridge and the USB-MIDI adapter. I've been trying for days to load ROMs on slot A and B (mGB and shitwave) and I can't get it to work.

I've tried:

- Two USB cables
- Two DMG-04 link cables
- Two GB's
- Two different ROMs and 4 versions of mGB
- Turning off all bluetooth and cellular devices (trying to eliminate interference)
- Waiting 20+ minutes after the ROM transferred from buffer.

So, I've run out of things to try.

When loading the ROMs I

- Loaded the ROM to the buffer
- Turned NL and hit "select+A" to download a ROM
- Hit "send" on the webpage
- Wait until it's done loading

....aaaaaand nothing.

Am I doing something wrong?