Not for GB, but for NES. I could give you some help though, since the concepts are similar.
897 Jun 6, 2010 9:04 pm
Re: Anyone got any experience with home made carts? (12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
898 Jun 5, 2010 11:16 pm
Re: SHOW ME THE BIKES YOU RIDE!!!!!!! (91 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Bike? I wish I had one again. For now I mostly walk or bum rides off other people!
EDIT: Oh yes, I almost forgot- having a bike in Minnesota isn't so useful for probably at least %70 of the year when it's too cold/wet/snow/ice to be able to ride one.
899 Jun 4, 2010 5:19 am
Topic: Starcade- Les Introvertes Chroniques (Kahvi Netlabel) (0 replies, posted in Releases)
A new release from a fairly new artist, Starcade. His work isn't strictly chip music, but has lots of great chip vibes and is really quite impressive. Free download from here:
I am especially fond of the first track, Sun Om Beach, and the last track, A Storm Called Destiny. The album doesn't fit one genre, but is very upbeat and yet soothing. Some have compared this release to work by Xerxes, who is a very well known electronic artist in the demo and netlabel scenes.
900 Jun 4, 2010 3:47 am
Re: NTRQ custom carts- PREORDERS OPEN! (123 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
So, I've been trying, seemingly in vain up to this point, to wrap my head around shift registers and UARTs. I understand how the NVSRAMs work, and a bank of shift registers would get the job done for addressing, which gets about half of the problem done for doing SRAM backup or programming the cartridge via serial or USB, but the UART is making my head hurt. It's probably more likely I'll use a PIC microcontroller if I'm going to take this route, since most of those have a UART built in. It'd save the problem of sorting out the whole protocol-hardware thing since that's programmed into the PIC. Assuming I can get a decent schematic layed out then I can move on to doing code, which is going to be the hard part, since I have never done much coding and driver coding seems very intimidating.
HOWEVER: I will point out that despite all of this I'm still willing to do NTRQ carts to my previous spec! This new design will take a very long time given my skill level, and most likely I'll be making a programmable NROM flash cartridge before I ever get around to doing MMC1. I have tried reading the NVSRAM's data through my EPROM programmer/reader device and it does work. All you have to do after that is get into a hex editor to change it up into a .SAV file.
In fact, I should probably make another thread for ramblings about new flash cart development, since it's derailing this topic.
901 Jun 4, 2010 1:14 am
Re: NTRQ custom carts- PREORDERS OPEN! (123 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Yea but nanoloop is a bad example as that is rarely updated (or bugs are fixed) and NTRQ seemingly is. Its more in the spirit of an LSDJ where the users and dev have a good communication rapport and shit gets updated on a regular basis (go neil!)
This is certainly true.
Octavial: If you're serious then please PM me or send me an email- arfink (at) and we can work something out.
902 Jun 3, 2010 8:12 am
Re: Zetauno (opl3) (14 replies, posted in Releases)
Well, I have no idea what's going on with it. It says there is a file naming mismatch.
903 Jun 3, 2010 3:07 am
Re: Zetauno (opl3) (14 replies, posted in Releases)
Sadly, your Windoze based wannabe-unicode encoding for the filenames results in my Linux machine being unable to extract the files that have accent marks on the letters.
904 Jun 3, 2010 1:11 am
Re: Hero Core OST - the soundtrack to an independent game by Daniel Remar (16 replies, posted in Releases)
That's a shame Battle Lava! Go play that game, right now! It's one of the finest retro styled games I have played in a very long time. The story is remarkable, the presentation flawless. The music fits just right, and both the difficulty level and length are just about right in my mind. It plays a bit like a mix of Metroid and side scrolling shooters like Gradius. On harder difficulty it plays like an exploratory manic shmup. I suggest you enjoy this game responsibly, with a good quality 8 way joystick designed for shmupping, like a Seimitsu LS-32.
905 Jun 2, 2010 9:23 pm
Re: 9999-in-1 - an open source multicart ROM by NO CARRIER (22 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Not to rain on No Carrier's parade here, but I found this a while back and it's pretty awesome:
http://ninjagaiden4.thegaminguniverse.c ebrew.html
The 11-in-1 Multicart ROM. It's for MMC1, or more specifically, the SUROM board. Put 11 NROM roms into the Windows executable, get one MMC1 ROM out.
Still, open source is the bomb, and the 9999 is indeed open source. With some tweaking this could become even moar awesome!
EDIT: I did some digging for mapper 66 donor boards. There appears to be only one available in the US, and that's Gumshoe.
906 Jun 2, 2010 8:50 pm
Re: 6.5.10: Chicago, IL: Experimental Garage Sale (9 replies, posted in Past Events)
And btw, I've given up with John and the monitors. He keeps ignoring me, it's probably not gonna happen. Between loosing my job and being done with school I have a good deal of time to play with IIgs and other hardware hacking projects. Maybe we should hang out some time.
907 Jun 2, 2010 8:21 pm
Re: NTRQ custom carts- PREORDERS OPEN! (123 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
As for USB updating, it could conceivably increase the cost a good deal. And with a UART, signal line multiplexers, an external USB connector, and all associated code, one might as well as an FPGA in the mix and make it just like the Power Pak. Of course, a cartridge and docking station type setup could certainly be done in the vein of the SpartBoy carts for GB, which would decrease the cost per cartridge by moving the programming apparatus into a separate device. I guess I'll look into it.
908 Jun 2, 2010 8:14 pm
Re: NTRQ custom carts- PREORDERS OPEN! (123 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Well, thanks for the input guys! This is very helpful. However, the lack of backups being a problem does puzzle me. After all, the NVSRAM I'm using is really and truly not volatile, as the acronym would suggest. The lack of a battery which could fail and the automated flash backup which takes place on the chip itself would seem to be pretty fail safe to me.
Of course, I would agree that doing something like this would seem pretty silly without an easy way to update it by yourself, since people would probably be averse to mailing the cartridge to get updates. As for the $5 EPROM programmer, it's a very nice looking design, and could be handy.
Lastly, when I think about doing NTRQ carts, I keep thinking of the way Nanoloop is being sold- not upgradeable and backups only available through a separate device. Perhaps if I made my cartridge fixed on one version in order to reduce cost?
Ah well, back to the drawing board it would seem. Unless Koatl is really hopping for one of my deficient designs I'll probably scrap this round.
909 Jun 2, 2010 8:05 pm
Re: 6.5.10: Chicago, IL: Experimental Garage Sale (9 replies, posted in Past Events)
Do one in MN and I'll bring some cool toys for selling! Too bad it's in Chicago, I got no wheels.
910 Jun 2, 2010 3:12 am
Re: 9999-in-1 - an open source multicart ROM by NO CARRIER (22 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
If you don't mind doing it for, say, MMC1, that'd be excellent.
911 Jun 1, 2010 11:46 pm
Re: NTRQ custom carts- PREORDERS OPEN! (123 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Well, right now I got one preorder, and only one. What would it take to get people interested in this? I understand the higher cost is a problem for people. Is my price just too high? Are there not enough features? Is something which is handmade less desirable? Is the preorder just too risky sounding for people?
I know that this kind of thing is quite beyond the modding skills of some people without an extremely detailed tutorial. Would this be more useful than a service to build them?
912 Jun 1, 2010 11:31 pm
Re: 9999-in-1 - an open source multicart ROM by NO CARRIER (22 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Alright, now I can switch from the other freely available multi-ROM roms to the official NoCarrier one! Nice job, as always.
EDIT: Only one problem I find with this is the rather esoteric mapper chosen, but overall very nice work.