I recently put an ISP V3 screen in one of my DMGs and everything was fine for a bit, but the other day I noticed my DMG was having weird sound issues when I was using jsdj. When I had the WAV and NOISE channels running together I noticed that the NOISE channel was at a high volume even when when envelope was set to 1X, and every time a kick on the WAV channel hit a weird pitched tone cuts through everything. Each channel is fine when played separately and Ive never had this problem before. I checked with another one of my unmodded DMGs and it sounded like it was supposed to. anyone know whats going on?

Hey, I downloaded the version of LSDJ that has full sync capabilities, and can set sync to "MIDIOUT" but the arduinoboy is only sending stop signals when I stop the sequence using the start button, no note signals are going through. My moog is set to receive Midi, and works with current settings using my other sequencer. I can use the setup in "master" mode, but really want to use LSDJ to sequence basslines on the moog. Is there an aspect of the command sequencing process that I missed?


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Cool, thanks.


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey does anyone know for sure whether LSDJ works on the Everdrive X3. Want to be sure.

I am given an this error message.:
Mode_LSDJ_Keyboard:47: error: 'class PS2Keyboard' has no member named 'readScanCode'

     incomingPS2Byte = keyboard.readScanCode();


exit status 1
'class PS2Keyboard' has no member named 'readScanCode'
Anyone know how to fix this? Im new to coding and am quite ignorant.

I tried using the original trash80, and it compiled, but I dont think it is compatible with catskull's pcb since he moved the mode button.

Thanks a bunch, Im new to the chiptune scene, ive been making electronic music for years and have been circuit bending for a while, which drew me to this scene i think. I love the modding and digital noise aspect.

Anyway, thanks, hope you can help, I wanna make some chippy drone.