hi! had a question about layering LSDJ tracks with other instruments, more specifically with kicks and snares. how would you do it? would you just layer it over the existing kick and snare in the WAV and noise channels, or would you take out the original kick and snare and place more traditional ones in place? also, how would you go about mastering a track produced in LSDJ? i know stereo imaging is a must if you want a wider sound, but in terms of EQ'ing, i'm clueless.
1 Jan 14, 2020 12:27 am
Topic: Layering instruments over LSDJ tracks. (2 replies, posted in Audio Production)
2 Jan 13, 2020 11:55 pm
Re: ChipMusic.fm (2.0 beta now open, see latest posts) (29 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Sorry! I've been beta testing it a bit and still need to add favoriting.
But if you're OK with that not working you can try the beta out here! https://staging.chipmusic.fm
Sorry again for the delay, I want it to be as good as can be when it comes out for real.
woah! ok, this is epic. currently loving the experience. simple, minimalistic, and more importantly, it works exactly how it's intended to! so this basically grabs every song uploaded to Chipmusic.org and throws them into a shuffled playlist? also, love the addition of adding random gifs to each track.
3 Jan 11, 2020 8:14 am
Re: ChipMusic.fm (2.0 beta now open, see latest posts) (29 replies, posted in General Discussion)
“1 week” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
take as much time as ya need
5 Nov 21, 2019 10:32 pm
Topic: The Little Sound DJ subreddit has been created! (2 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hey everyone, Kabar here! I just created r/LittleSoundDJ! I made this subreddit to provide yet another place for people to get involved in the LSDJ community Feel free to share any music made in LSDJ, any cool patches you make (wav kicks/basses, pulse channel sounds, etc.) and to talk about anything LSDJ related like gameboy modding and anything in between
You can join at the link below!
6 Sep 3, 2018 10:57 pm
Topic: Reviving the Chiptune scene? (114 replies, posted in General Discussion)
What do you guys think will revive the chiptune scene like how it used to be back in 2012-2015? A new Chipzel album? Danimal Cannon? Because as far as i know, those two were the biggest names in chiptune at the time as well as Anamanaguchi and Chiptunes = Win! (i think. idk really) I know it's really popular still in Japan but over here in the US and Europe, I'm not to sure. I think Slime Girls might be making some new chiptune stuff but do you think it will be enough to inspire new people to get out there and start making new music? Or do you think it will just stay how it is now until eventually there is so little people making chiptune that no one knows about the genre anymore? Also, do you think it's possible to have that "big break" like Chipzel did with her first album or Anamanaguchi did with Endless Fantasy?
I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys have to think about this.