(13 replies, posted in Releases)

SketchMan3 wrote:

What's the track order?

Here yuh go.

boomglitch wrote:

Love Overworld Music B.


Saskrotch wrote:

The boss stuff was the most fun to write.

And it's my favorite so far! Great release!

Decktonic wrote:

Every artist on this compilation killed it. What a wonderful collection of great music.

Couldn't have said it any better myself.

SketchMan3 wrote:
SadPanda wrote:

And I thought I was clueless on page 1. Straight up Alicia Silverstone clueless now.

Really not as complex as it sounds. Half this stuff we're saying, I know, sounds like pretentious fluff, lol. Like, bluesy music does that kind of stuff all the time.

Well, I'm just barely keeping up, but I'm missing all of the chord names you're throwing out. It is pretty hard if you never learned the terminology. I learned about half of what you guys are talking about in the 10 years (fuck 10 years?) I've been playing sax/band, but the rest is just flying over my head. But hey, the more you know, right?

Same, I'm gonna probably just be getting a few of the 2-in-1's soon, but that'll be after I get my last paycheck for this summer...so check back in two weeks (which will then be three to four weeks for delivery). wink

Telerophon wrote:

If you turned the groove down to 3/3 and then used H on row C, you'd have created 6/8 time.

That is one tasty nugget of knowledge there. wink Thanks. heart

minusbaby wrote:

Not if each off-topic thread is marked with a little peepee icon!

I second this motion! big_smile

Also, you could make it so that the off-topic threads don't show up in the most recent posts sections, right? That should cut out the clutter on the front page/recent posts page. If not, I can see why you wouldn't want such a section.


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

minusbaby wrote:

cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool
cool cool heart heart cool cool cool heart heart cool cool
cool heart heart heart heart cool heart heart heart heart cool
cool heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart cool
cool cool heart heart heart heart heart heart heart cool cool
cool cool cool heart heart heart heart heart cool cool cool
cool cool cool cool heart heart heart cool cool cool cool
cool cool cool cool cool heart cool cool cool cool cool
cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool

^ This thread in a nutshell. FEEL THE LUV

Well no, but can't it mean that we have a place to post things not about chiptune? I mean, you can enforce thread closures and bannings like usual, just some place to store the off-topic stuff would probably be beneficial to the forum.


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Victory Road wrote:

also, russellian is a level-headed and pleasant fellow!

Pfffffft, nah. You just don't see the 75% of posts I delete and never post. wink But thank you nonetheless. And yeah, you definitely do have the best avatar on this forum.



an0va wrote:

"General Discussion" seems to always have this aura of "general discussion, as long as it relates to the scene."

That's what I've thought ever since I joined this board. The reason most boards have a General Discussion for anything at all is because general talk will happen elsewhere if you don't. So, if you have a dedicated General subforum (which I thought General Discussions was), you usually eliminate the unrelated banter across a forum (well, most of it, anyway).


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Aeros wrote:

auxcide's debut release is the sole reason i'm not desperately trying to get out of a creative rut.
frostbyte is probably the most helpful person on this board. ever.
and roboctopus, VCMG and br1ght pr1mate blow me the fuck away and are obviously demigods.

the rest of you are also amazing and the entire chip community loves you

Couldn't have said it better myself. wink


some of them I would place in, like, top 20 chip release and I'm not even kidding.

Fo rull.


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

PolarBirds wrote:

So, combine all 3, CM/µC/NC for the optimal experience.

Yeah, pretty much. Separating these ideas kinda defeats the purpose of a site connecting the community. I mean, right now, we have noichan for voicechat and normal chat, cm.o for album/ep releases, technical discussion, and the awesome trading post, and now uC, it appears, for listening to music. Why is that? Why can't we just have one site for all of this? WHYYYYYYY!? D:

Vellain wrote:

noichan chatroom...

I think James' point was that you shouldn't have to go to a different site to talk with the people you want to talk to on this site, and that we should have an area for general discussion, bot of which I agree with.


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SketchMan3 wrote:

I can personally attest to the fact that directly PMing a person about a conflict helps a whole lot more than airing dirty laundry out in public.