Hi everyone,

I've decided to upload a bunch of previously unreleased songs from my A Suffusion of Yellow project, link below. There's a lot of different ideas here spanning the time these were written. At some point during that span of time I took drum lessons and it definitely changed my approach to writing songs. I'll probably make some more new gameboy music someday--I never really fully stopped, life just has a way of throwing all sorts of competing priorities at you and there's just never room for them all! I'd consider many of these rough, and I was embarrassed to share them for a long time. As I've gotten older, though, I've started to be nicer to myself and I've grown to really appreciate getting to hear these snapshots of past moments in my life. As unpolished as many of them are, I like a lot of the ideas I explored here, and a few of those ideas will probably make it into future work. I hope you enjoy some of it!

https://cyandreamlogic.bandcamp.com/alb … -2008-2015


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

irrlichtproject wrote:

Also, what's going on? First some random person comes in asking for Falco Lombardi, then a new Fluxxin release, now ASOY. What's next, new silreq?

Ahh man, I remember Silreq’s impressive experiments in doing songs entirely in one channel of the LSDJ.


(4 replies, posted in Releases)


It’s been a long time since I’ve released music! This is a collection of older songs I never got around to releasing until now. I’m working on new music, but I wanted to get these officially out there before I kept working on my new stuff. Some of this music is a decade old, some of it I made within the last 5 years. I can’t believe it’s been this long!