I'm curious what the database stats are. How many members have uploaded, average songs per user, how many song for users who haven't logged in in over 6 months and stuff like that.
Currently the music section doesn't really seem to work that well as a showcase because there is such a huge volume of content, I personally tend to listen to albums / eps from net labels I like as they have already gone through at least one quality / curation / whatevet filter. The consensus seems to be nobody wants a chart / automated ranking system based on likes / comments / plays per week or month. Also nobody seems to want to step up and curate a periodic selection. I think a forced quality control on the users by limiting the number of songs will go some way to solve the volume problem but it is still a pretty large chunk of tunes.
Ideally I would like to see an automated weekly top 5 based on something like the 8bc filter trash 80 wrote for the "top" 5 songs then a curated weekly list of 5 more "hidden gems" displayed at the top of the page with the wb player for back end. If "drama" is a concern then we could lock comments on those "top" tracks for the week following or something.
Edit : sorry another idea, top of the page could be. : Top5, hidden gems, all 3 tracks from the "artist of the week" that would be 13 tracks at the top of the page all curated or selected by different criteria, a nice little cross section of what the site has to offer content wise.