I'm curious what the database stats are. How many members have uploaded, average songs per user, how many song for users who haven't logged in in over 6 months and stuff like that.

Currently the music section doesn't really seem to work that well as a showcase because there is such a huge volume of content, I personally tend to listen to albums / eps from net labels I like as they have already gone through at least one quality / curation / whatevet filter. The consensus seems to be nobody wants a chart / automated ranking system based on likes / comments / plays per week or month. Also nobody seems to want to step up and curate a periodic selection. I think a forced quality control on the users by limiting the number of songs will go some way to solve the volume problem but it is still a pretty large chunk of tunes.

Ideally I would like to see an automated weekly top 5 based on something like the 8bc filter trash 80 wrote for the "top" 5 songs then a curated weekly list of 5 more "hidden gems" displayed at the top of the page with the wb player for back end. If "drama" is a concern then we could lock comments on those "top" tracks for the week following or something.

Edit : sorry another idea, top of the page could be. : Top5, hidden gems, all 3 tracks from the "artist of the week" that would be 13 tracks at the top of the page all curated or selected by different criteria, a nice little cross section of what the site has to offer content wise.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

little-scale wrote:

there are about 8 sega mega drives and 5 sega master systems hidden behind stuff as well :3

No sharks with lazers?

Also like the idea. The music section seems to be a lot of work and cost where people dont seem to use it all that much. Ditching it all together and making a cmo group or something seems totally fine to me.

The alternative of limiting songs per users is also totally fine. Anything which increases quality control it good.

Clarified topic title

Yeah man! Mail mark see what he says


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

4mat wrote:

Most editors have an internal format

I see what you did there.

This is awesome. I had absolutely no idea there were modtrackers for ST. TIL!


(11 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

I could be wrong but hasnt Dingux basically been replaced by OpenDingux? I am pretty sure there are piggy versions for both.

bleo wrote:

High Council of Piggers

This has to be a compo album title for the next release.

Also, pingpong will probably make using white noise samples in piggy more bearable and hold us over until Marc implements a white noise generator! wink

This is another one to wear him down on. Noise gen would be so so useful.


(21 replies, posted in Atari)

O2star wrote:

So I have finally turned on my 1040ste last night.




clarified title

yoyz2k wrote:

Where should I sign to put some stuff in the source code ?
I'd like to slap this pig and make it scream wink

What are you thinking of?

herr_prof wrote:

can anyone explain to me why ping pong is desirable? Im just curious.

Also better PWM

Didthis happen? Are there recordings of new Doomcloud?

Clarified topic title

Could the op clarify the post title so it is descriptive please?