I'm having two separate issues with two of my DMG's that I cannot seem to find the cause of for the life of me!

The first is an issue with a DMG that has been heavily modded, but this has been a issue persistent with even the first mod I've done. I've installed HandHeld Legend's CleanAmp, a TRS 3.5mm and dual RCA jacks via prosound (both pre-pot), and a backlight and bivert modules. The screen started to get lines on it and crack and stutter and now it is almost always inverted whenever the thing is on. This was true even before I did the prosound or the clean amps mods, though it worked for a long while before the problem began. Where did I go wrong there? (I've also been using CleanJuice's rechargable battery, thought I'm not sure if that makes a difference.)

The second is an issue with another DMG that has almost no mods. All I did was a prosound with, again, dual RCA (pre-pot again). That's it. Lately, when I've turned it on, it has a terrible buzzing that will persist from when the thing powers up and it's present pre-and post- pot! I opened it up and re-soldered all the connections and after a few days of clean audio, the buzzing came back! I was thinking I may need to replace the power board, but if a reflow was enough to correct it, even briefly, maybe I did something else wrong?

Now, I have a third issue is not necessarily DMG-specific, but I figured I'd ask here rather than make another post and spam the board:
I'm trying to create a better workflow with LSDj but running it on bgb on my PC and then export save files of my songs but I cannot seem to get these save files to transfer. When I backup a .sav from my EZFlash Jr and boot it up on my PC, it opens just fine. When I open a .sav file that's imported from a BennVenn cart using my Joey Jr., it opens just fine. I just cannot seem to export anything back via SD card or direct flashing. I'd hate to have the process only work one way. I figured I could write on my PC and then be able to export it to my carts to make organizing them for live shows quick and easy. Where am I wrong here?

I'm still pretty new to all this, so I'm sorry for asking such simple questions, but I'd really appreciate more of the same love and inclusion I've gotten from this community so far. Thanks in advance!

FroliciousYo wrote:

Okay, so how would one go about downloading the rom? The website appears to be broken here in 2021, and I'm nowhere near adept enough to compile or do anything with the code on the github. I was just hoping to find a copy of the .gba file.

UPDATE: I've used the Wayback Machine to download a copy of the standard, 'empty', and build versions of the ROM. I went back to January 17, 2020. I haven't looked into it yet, but how would I go about using the 'build' ROM to add my own samples?

Okay, so how would one go about downloading the rom? The website appears to be broken here in 2021, and I'm nowhere near adept enough to compile or do anything with the code on the github. I was just hoping to find a copy of the .gba file.

Oh damn. That's just a limitation that comes with the territory? Of the GBA? How is it usually dealt with?

I'm trying to record and arrangement I made using LSDJ and Nanoloop 2 on a DMG (backlit and biverted) and GBA (IPS LCD V2) both with the cleanamp mod:
https://handheldlegend.com/products/cle … &_ss=r
And the HH Dehiss kit on my GBA

After plugging in link cables to my GBA, either to the DMG for Analog Out directly or to an Arduino boy, I get a mid-range whine that I can't cut unless I unplug the link cable.

Both consoles seem to be getting some power from the 5V in as the power LED's turn on and the screen lights up in the case of the DMG.

What did I do wrong? Am I recording wrong? Should I just mix it out post-console?


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I've figured out the setting! After scouring the manual, I found a way to turn the DIN MIDI Out port on and off. I'm not quite sure yet how it works as a USB-MIDI and DIN-MIDI device, but we're making progress.

For those interested, refer to pages 32-34 of the manual:
https://media.americanmusical.com/ItemF … manual.pdf


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

After some more testing, I found that the issue I was having was indeed with my keyboard. After trying another keyboard, I got mGB mode to work. The last thing to test with these is a PS2 Keyboard (whenever I get one). I'll be sure to update when I get that tested out! smile


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Orgia Mode wrote:

I didn't see the link to the code at first but that is the right one, yes.
The mode lights will display the mode and then are used to display activity on each respective channel.
Which Mode are you using? Try sending MIDI data on Just Channel 1 for starters.
This question may seem silly but has to be answered. Is your midi cable connected between Axiom's MIDI OUT and Arduino's MIDI IN?

I'm trying to use mGB mode, and I think I'm connected all properly.
Axiom (MIDI Out) -> AB (MIDI In) -> mGB (tested on GBA & DMG via CGB 001 and DMG-14 adapter respectively)


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Orgia Mode wrote:
FroliciousYo wrote:

I'm also having issues with my Catskull arduinoboy shields but I'm not sure whether or not to tag onto this post or make a new one. I'm using this version of the shield:
https://catskullelectronics.com/product … eq=uniform

I've downloaded the proper PS2 library, and the code goes up fine, but I'm getting no response when I attempt to use an axiom 25 to control the mGB function on the PS2 and non-PS2 versions

Can you link us to the exact code you uploaded to it?
Also, I'm not familiar with your MIDI controller. How d you confirm the channel it is controlling?

I'm using this fork of the code, linked on the product page:

And the Axiom 25 is a controller by M-Audio. It has function keys that allow you to choose between "global channels" 1-16, which I assuming are the correct midi channels.

The 'mode' led's on the board do not stay lit (i'm not sure if they are supposed to) and the 'status' led does not go on at all.


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'm also having issues with my Catskull arduinoboy shields but I'm not sure whether or not to tag onto this post or make a new one. I'm using this version of the shield:
https://catskullelectronics.com/product … eq=uniform

I've downloaded the proper PS2 library, and the code goes up fine, but I'm getting no response when I attempt to use an axiom 25 to control the mGB function on the PS2 and non-PS2 versions