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Search options / Forums / Posts by grinoir
Hi everyone,
Updating my Genajam for GenMDM it looks like i bricked the Genajams ATmega chip. Looking at the PCB i fail to see a way to reinstall the bootloader. Do anyone have some pointers? After CatSkull shutdown the store i would be really sad to see my genajam go down the trash;-(
Hi herr_prof
Thanks for your answer:
1. Yes one some of the midi channels makes sounds on genmdm
As of the new version og genmdm only mono is enabled. The earlier version had poly
2. I used the keyboard-pc-genajam mode, so i Can change parameters on the keyboard via pc software. However i Can only play on the genajam while the keyboard is connected directly with the genajam and the pc removed.
Help needed!
My experience with GENMDM is not positive. Evne i i plug it in after the sega starts. I cant play all the channels and it’s monophony.
1) any clues about the channels issue
2) Can I upgrade it to polyphony?
With genajam i am more in luck but
I am having troubles connecting it to the sega and pc at the same time. I use i midi keyboard directly but i would like to have the pc so i can change the keyboard settings to match genajam (knobs to change parameters)
Can it be done? How do you use it?
I am trying to find a midi controller that has the possibility to store sets of presets on the controller itself. In the best of possible worlds it should also have programmable LCD screens for each knob ( like native instruments Komplette. NI dont have memory.
The point is to map different sets of presets for Commodore, Sega, Amiga and so on. Without having to use s computer during playing
Posts found: 4 / Forums / Posts by grinoir