(3 replies, posted in Sega)

Well i have put the bin file straight into the cartridge and i have also extracted the folder and then put it into the cartridge. All i get is when i go into select game a yellow directory of the file and just all of its contents but i cannot open anything up or install anything.

Regarding the speed issue, i think you have hit the nail on the head,i am located in the United Kingdom. I did try and download some European roms and they were fine, e.g. Sonic 3 and Probotector (Contra Hard Corps). I will look into putting a 50/60hz switch onto my megadrive 2.

Thanks for the help linde smile


(3 replies, posted in Sega)

Hey all

I received my MD Everdrive cart today and i am having some problem's. I am having no luck getting the bin file to work in the cart so i can use the TFC player. Also another problem i am having is with Street's of Rage 2 and 3, the gameplay and soundtrack is a fraction slower than what it should be. I bought the cart from Kitsch bent, cart 2.5, OS 2.3.  Any ideas?