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Search options (Page 27 of 64) / Forums / Posts by Apeshit
Topics by Apeshit
Posts found: 417-432 of 1,010
Have you tested any different audio gear through the pro sound jack?
If you can't figure it out, one of us can take a look at it and get it up and running for you, if you're keen on shipping the motherboard to us.
Got my inbox worked out, turns out it was just full. So feel free to PM me if you prefer. 
I was starting to think my PM box was broken as I haven't received any PMs in months. I guess this confirms it.
Does your new board have the clock mod? If that leaking component was from the mod, it would've been from that and not the pro sound.
Is there any shorts at the solder points? It's hard to tell because it seems to be glued.
zaxxon wrote:katsumbhong wrote:I am having the same problems as well. Contact ASM Retro.
Well I tried to PM him about this but he never responded. I'm sure he gets alot of pm's though so that's understandable. I'll try to contact him on his website later and see what he has to say.
Where did you PM me? Here?
katsumbhong wrote:I am having the same problems as well. Contact ASM Retro.
Never heard back from you about this - did the one I installed for you work properly with your gear?
Whoa. That's certainly not the pro sound causing the component to leak. I've never seen that before...
Do you have sound out of either jack?
There's really no nice way to tell you eBay prices aren't relevant on a forum where everybody knows the retail price of these things. At any rate, nice move quoting my text out of context. I was taking a jab at people listing overpriced EMS cartridges with that comment.
joshuadubya wrote:Please stop trolling my thread.
Chill. There's a difference between teasing and trolling.
EMS carts have sold for $600+ on eBay before, but that doesn't reflect what they're worth. Best to try on eBay if you're trying to exploit someone's ignorance. 
joshuadubya wrote:ClairBear wrote:$40 for the bleepbloop?
I will have to pass on that. The same model cartridge just sold on ebay for $120. But once again I am open to fair offers and would prefer to get rid of both items at once. Thanks
$120 is astronomically overpriced for a bleepbloop cartridge. The Drag'N'Derps are far better and retail for $100.00 new.
Where are the vigilantes at these days? There's been a lot of threads not listing prices lately.
Indicate prices on items you are selling. If you are trying to auction it off put it on ebay and put a link to the sale here.
thursdaycustoms wrote:I'll pay $40 just for those 4 painted ones right now.
I wouldn't. These were either tests before doing a final version for a commission, or other shells that have passed through here from trades and whatnot. Not suitable for resale.
What about OSH Park? They've got to be the best in low quantities in terms of quality, turn around time, and ease of uploading. They also don't require plating the drill holes and can do internal routing. The boards are even made in the USA.
EDIT: What thickness do the boards have to be? These panelized boards generally only come in .064". It would be awfully convenient if the cartridge's PCB was that thickness, but I have no idea.
Posts found: 417-432 of 1,010 / Forums / Posts by Apeshit