
I'm basing this off of assumptions, but..If the flashchip is supported by the gameboy color flasher design, and given that's what people are using to program these things, they may be using a jumper to write through pin 31.

Apeshit wrote:


Dragoon wrote:

Not really, i pushed as mush foam under the ribbon cable to the right as i could get, just under the screen, between upper layer and pcb side.
catch some heat-resistant material and push with a little bit of pressure the screen down and then just heat up the right side were the ribbon cable goes to the screen with a hair dryer 1cm away from the screen. gently rub up and down und this side. after a while the screen wents black, dont worry, it will be fine again after cooling down.
thats how it worked out for me big_smile

The cables are different material. That method is already common knowledge, it just doesn't usually work.







Auxcide wrote:

Is there a way to power an Arduinoboy by an AGS in the way you can power one by a DMG-07 cable?

Yes, only it is much easier because the 5v line is already present in most (all?) GBC cables.

Auxcide wrote:

Also, is there a way to sync more than 2 AGSs? I suppose you can do low-gain's DMG-07 sync box with multiple DMG to GBA adapters. . . seems like there'd be an easier way.

It can be done with certain cables that can connect to multiple gameboys.





(43 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If there's enough interest, I'll get on this and I'll even make a custom designed enclosure for it.

I just need more people willing to commit to a pre-order. Expect around a $60.00 price though, I want to make a solid product here.


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Not sure if Justin wants me to say what he's working on publicly, but I'm pretty sure these are two very different things.
