(18 replies, posted in Releases)

Eucaryote: Also, there's a political undercurrent (or overcurrent, if you will) to my music. Sometimes that's the intention from the beginning, but other times I realize the aspect when I'm finished composing the track.


(101 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's tough to say, but I think Bit Shifter's "Strange Comfort" is definitely up there.


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

E U C A R Y O T E wrote:
Iron Curtain wrote:

Eucaryote: We all have our favorites. I understand your criticism, seeing as I am my own worst critic. smile

Well, you seem like a really nice guy and reading my message again, I feel bad for getting my teeth out so quick. See, much of today's music is so lazy in the making compared to the efforts that go towards self-promotion, I can't help but turn red.

I didn't mean to establish a final judgement on what you do. I'm just puzzled by your approach to music and wish someone could explain what I'm missing.

Oh. Well, think of what I do as a learning experience in action. I'm learning of what LSDJ can do and how I can manipulate it to do what I want it to do. Every day I found out some technique I hadn't learned before (or hadn't known how to do before). So you can think of my output as an open learning process.

Also, I try to focus on melody.

Does that answer your question?


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

Eucaryote: We all have our favorites. I understand your criticism, seeing as I am my own worst critic. smile

Falling For a Square: Thanks!


(126 replies, posted in General Discussion)

*raises hand*

Edit: In case that was too ambiguous, the hand raise was an indication of assent to proceed to the "Opened Microphone".


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

Necroupdate, but important necroupdate:

For the month of May (i.e., Blip Month), The Album is $2 minimum. Also, All songs are $0 minimum, except "Waltzing Matilda". Enjoy!

Also, Patrick Gann of Original Sound Version reviewed my album.

Link to album

This Pulsewave was so awesome I stayed until the end. I hardly ever do that.


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

Update: Remember when I said the deal on the album being $5 ending on Feb 1st? Well, as luck would have it, the phone and internet service at my household was lost on Mon, Jan. 30. I just got it back today. In the spirit of generosity, I will leave the $5 minimum price tag up there until Saturday, Feb. 4 at 7:00PM EST. Then the prices return to normal.


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

Update: This album is available on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-af … d496562338


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

cheapshot wrote:

Love the acceptance speech style credits for the album. Wahaha!

Also, since when did Sabrepulse become a mastering engineer? Brah's got some mad skills innit!

Nice release boi!

EDIT: Ain't worth $8 though hmm

Just for you, I'll make the minimum $5! This deal ends on February 1st.


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

_133 wrote:

It's okay. Probably a bit too slow and repetitive for my tastes...But that's just my opinion.

To each one's own. Thanks for your input! I appreciate it!


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

DaPantz wrote:




(18 replies, posted in Releases)

Tetrasaurus wrote:

Mekkwarrior and dark as darkness is off da chain!!!! good stuff

Thanks! I really appreciate it!


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

Just so you guys know, My album The Aftermath is out and has been released for a while (i.e., since December 20, 2011). The music was mastered by Sabrepulse and the album art was done by Minusbaby. Down below are links to where you can find it:

Bandcamp: http://ironcurtain.bandcamp.com/album/the-aftermath

CDBaby: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/ironcurtain

Also available at these fine e-retailers:

  • Emusic

  • GreatIndieMusic

  • MySpace Music

  • last.fm

  • Amazon MP3

  • MediaNet (http://www.mndigital.com/)

  • Zune.net

  • Edit 2012/1/21: iTunes

  • Edit 2012/5/6: Spotify

More is on the way. Hopefully iTunes should be soon...

I'll update this page as soon as my album appears in new stores...


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i don't really think many people do ALBUMS well, uh, but lots of people do collections of barely related songs

But an album is, by definition, a collection of songs. If they were in any way connected, we'd have a concept album. If they were connected in such a way that they told a story, we'd have a specific type of concept album called a Rock Opera (Chip Opera?).

Besides, Bit Shifter's Information Chase is one of the most cohesive albums I've ever listened to in chipdom.


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

an0va wrote:

Reformat the Planet is an album now?

It actually is. It's a tribute to Information Chase, the album I FREAKING MEANT AND YOU KNOW I MEANT. B-)