
(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

im just going to leave this here...

*edit: ah, seriously though... the most important thing that i have found is to find a group of people that share your musical interest and just DO IT: play shows, send stuff out and take risks. sounds retarded, i know, but everybody that becomes successful does so by different ways. the only thing that is similar is that they worked hard at it and didn't give up on it. figure out what works for you.

*edit 2: also- CDK is right, hard work is everything, but connections are everything else. but the "connection" thats going to matter isnt some business man in a suit, its some random kid who likes your music that may know some dude at the radio station, or newspaper, or whatever. make friends! talk to people!

good luck big_smile


(38 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

i've been drooling over this for a year now! the fm sounds so sweet... you have to wonder though, with the VL look and size, is the idea to revolutionize micro music and make it commercially viable gear? it's oddly chimera then: an expensive, futuristic micro keyboard that has all the functionality of a bunch of old, cheap keyboards, only with a slick interface... which completely goes against the DIY aesthetic of micro-music in general

i totally think its amazing, beautiful, and in the right hands could be all the musical tools one needs to compose and perform... but its still oddly... neither here nor there? i really look forward too seeing how it is received... perhaps, like the monome, something for collectors and a very specific type of musician, but not "musicians friend" material?

NeX wrote:

if you wanted them so bad you just had to ask....

but i did them anyway, if you want the high res then message me. i did these just now so i haven't edited them or straightened them


Thanks NeX, ur my hero big_smile big_smile

hell, you're all my hero. Im using these for digital download cards...basically a stylized cardboard cutout of a gameboy featuring  album graphics. it'll be SWEEEEET!!! I'll post the results here, and send you all a copy if you want :d big_smile heart

Thretris wrote:

I do product photography... give me a PM let me know if you want me to shoot some pics of a stockboy for ya... here are some of my photos if you never seen them ( I can hit any angle you need, LMK) http://www.flickr.com/photos/thretris/s … 629644801/

Thretris, your stuff is CONSTANTLY amazing. Do you have any straight-shot front and back images of a greyboy (or any DMG really) ?


(28 replies, posted in Releases)


UHHHH. 180 PEOPLE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

AMAZING night guys, it was awesome seeing your set Rich. Thats some lowwwww bass big_smile

pics and vids soon

NeX wrote:

does this help?

these are pretty good!! im still sort of looking for matched front & back sets, but i'll do some google image scouring later... tanks for the suggestions ;D

also - nitro: that is a MASSIVE pic, haha. its like a DMG kayak or something

...and permission to use them for some EP art



(5 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

looks amazing, DL'ing


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)


srsly, watching the nasty on h8bitcollective is killing my faith in humanity... [not to bring up anything or anything]

thanks for good post i need a medic


(9 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

like it



(59 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

NeX wrote:

here is my collection smile



(36 replies, posted in General Discussion)

little-scale love fest!


(35 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)


that backlit pocket is unreal. and the chipmusic dmg is probably the best thing i've ever seen.

way to bring it next-next level heart heart heart heart


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

heart this release

hey tom, what are you doing on feb 12th??? we've got something BIG in the mix, email me.