I'm always tweeting/talking about music I'm interested in.
No one listens. That's not my problem, and it's your choice if you're going to listen to me or not.
I wouldn't want to listen to me, my tastes are shit. Consider the following:
I wrote a huge facebook note back in fucking 2009 about a little band called "fun." and tagged pretty much everyone I thought would dig their music (ie. everyone I associated with at the time). Very few people gave a shit (of course, now fun. is dropping mediocre music while simultaneously going mainstream...)
My point: no one likes music, if people liked music they'd seek it out; of the few people that do seek it out, an even fewer amount talk about it.
How many facebook posts/tweets/tumbls/whatever have been someone posting a song, and you blow it off because "my taste is better than theirs is?" How many times does this happen in real life? How many times have you legitimately been interested in a friend's recommendation, only to forget about it later? It just wasn't important. In this way, you've missed out on the possibility you'd find new music.
AND THEN it's only a possibility. Granted, it only takes a few minutes to figure out if you can enjoy an artist's music, but still. The minutes you take figuring out whether you like something or not add up. People don't like wasting time.
So. Finding new music. It's a problem with you. I can spoonfeed you music I like, I can spoonfeed you music I think you'll like, and it won't do shit.
In the end if you want "new" music that's also "good" you're going to have to wade through a bunch of shit yourself because WASSGUD is subjective. Adding a "top 10 my first lsdj" section will not change this.
CM.O will stay exactly the way it is, because this thread is bullshit. Adding a recommendation list? Same problem. No one will use it. If someone uses it, even less people will actually look at a user's recommendations.
This is not an attack on anyone; I'm generalizing. I'm sure everyone in this thread is a unique and special snowflake that always takes the time to search for rad new music.
god did this post have a point or did I just want to ramble about how mediocre fun.'s second album is while simultaneously going hipster because they're getting popular man the world will never know
433 Jun 6, 2012 5:39 am
Re: Popularity Contest (208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
434 Jun 6, 2012 2:37 am
Re: Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ (57 replies, posted in Releases)
#5 on bandcamp right now
435 Jun 5, 2012 9:39 pm
Re: Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ (57 replies, posted in Releases)
brandon is planning a chip=win convention! im not even kidding
here is the fine print on the comp (from brandon): 100% of ALL payments are considered donations to fund further Chiptunes = WIN projects. Not a cent goes to me personally.
436 Jun 5, 2012 9:14 pm
Re: Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ (57 replies, posted in Releases)
I didn't join when kubbi showed me before but now I did
437 Jun 5, 2012 8:05 pm
Re: Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ (57 replies, posted in Releases)
438 Jun 5, 2012 6:08 pm
Re: Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ (57 replies, posted in Releases)
Where can I get a picture of the shirt?
439 Jun 5, 2012 5:29 am
Re: Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ (57 replies, posted in Releases)
Buttons, stickers and a tee for $15? That's a bloody bargain!
1 t-shirt with 2 full-color prints on it, 4 buttons and 62 stickers. for $15. WTF right?
440 Jun 5, 2012 4:58 am
Re: Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ (57 replies, posted in Releases)
also, and i think this is important, our merch girl maddie made an AWESOME shirt/pins/stickers pack for this:
441 Jun 5, 2012 3:31 am
Re: Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ (57 replies, posted in Releases)
also, probably prepare to endure a tidal force of FB / posts about this the combined forces of 51 artists spamming is going to be an epic something to behold. the chants are "time to break bandcamp" lol
442 Jun 5, 2012 3:21 am
Topic: Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ (57 replies, posted in Releases)
BRANDON L. HOOD and Chiptunes = WIN \m|♥|m/ Present:
the most obscenely massive chiptune compilation album in the known universe
BANDCAMP LINK -> http://chiptuneswin.com/
1. AWESOMECAT - パーティーで最もきれいな女の子 02:52
2. Ben Landis - Breakthrough 03:18
3. 4mat - Tetra 03:57
4. Daniel Capo - Wake 03:18
5. Chipzel - Can't Stop Us 02:22
6. LukHash - PixeLove 03:24
7. Danimal Cannon - The Lunar Whale 04:32
8. Whitely - You & Him 04:41
9. SMILETRON - Elevation 06:20
10. Zef - Pure Voltage 04:17
11. RobotSexMusic - It's Never Enough 02:26
12. Kubbi - Tidal Force 04:35
13. Diamond Machine - Hey! (No E) 03:02
14. Starpilot - Sparkling 02:34
15. Br1ght Pr1mate - Sexy & I Know It (free) 03:00
16. Datacats - Small Wonders 02:18
17. Kedromelon - Titan 2 04:31
18. deadbeatblast - Total Disaster 05:44
19. Crashfaster - The Out 03:32
20. iamclouD - Harmonix 02:55
21. Fraktal Face - Did You 06:33
22. nickelPUNK - StarDRIVE 02:35
23. Chip's Challenge - Special Beam Cannon 03:18
24. KymAz - Nebulae 03:29
25. Monodeer - No Particular Reason 05:26
26. Decktonic - Africa 03:40
27. Iron Curtain - Assault At The Front Door 02:34
28. Jay Tholen - On Stolen Time 03:25
29. Super Danger Casper - Berbaris Satu Arah 04:52
30. Xenon Odyssey - Quotidian 02:42
31. Inverse Phase - Three-stage 04:50
32. K.O.M.H. - Kogeki no Kiken 03:02
33. Phonetic Hero - Bat Outta Hell 03:47
34. Abducted by Sharks - Late to the Party 03:44
35. Algoorithm (Chris Algoo) - While We Can, Party 03:15
36. Cartoon Bomb - Earthworm Facts 03:13
37. Da Pantz - Real In The Field 02:35
38. Sam Mulligan - Secret 01:21
39. Stenobot - Shark Flower 03:16
40. Temp Sound Solutions - Sleepwalking In Tennessee 03:07
41. Thorazine Unicorn - Dreaming Machine 03:21
42. Space Town Savior - Columbia 06:48
43. Obtuse - Ecstasy 03:47
44. Snesei - Button Mash 02:33
45. Cheapshot - Jambo 03:31
46. Active Knowledge - Lucidosity 06:10
47. Nario - Hallucinogenic Ethics 02:37
48. Brick Breaker - Dusk Runner 02:07
49. Sean Monistat - This Computer Can Read Lips 03:35
50. SKGB - Infinite Cheap Death Tricks 06:26
51. PROTODOME - Four Color Hero 01:36
BANDCAMP LINK -> http://chiptuneswin.com/
443 Jun 5, 2012 2:37 am
Re: Chip = win Listening party! (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
going on until midnight, LOL
bandcamp goes live right afterwards. no joke, best comp ive ever heard. track listing should impress:
4mat – Tetra
Abducted by Sharks – Late to the Party
Active Knowledge – Lucidosity
Algoorithm (Chris Algoo) – While We Can, Party
AWESOMECAT – パーティーで最もきれいな女の子
Ben Landis – Breakthrough
Br1ght Pr1mate – Sexy & I Know It
Brick Breaker – Dusk Runner
Cartoon Bomb – Earthworm Facts
Cheapshot – Jambo
Chip’s Challenge – Special Beam Cannon
Chipzel – Can’t Stop Us
Crashfaster – The Out
Da Pantz – Real In The Field
Daniel Capo – Wake
Danimal Cannon – The Lunar Whale
Datacats – Small Wonders
deadbeatblast – Total Disaster
Decktonic – Africa
Diamond Machine – Hey! (No E)
Fraktal Face – Did You
iamclouD – Harmonix
Inverse Phase – Three-stage
Iron Curtain – Assault At The Front Door
Jay Tholen – On Stolen Time
K.O.M.H. – Kogeki no Kiken
Kedromelon – Titan 2
Kubbi – Tidal Force
KymAz – Nebulae
LukHash – PixeLove
Monodeer – No Particular Reason
Nario – Hallucinogenic Ethics
nickelPUNK – StarDRIVE
Obtuse – Ecstasy
Phonetic Hero – Bat Outta Hell
PROTODOME – Four Color Hero
RobotSexMusic – It’s Never Enough
Sam Mulligan – Secret
Sean Monistat – This Computer Can Read Lips
SKGB – Infinite Cheap Death Tricks
SMILETRON – Elevation
Snesei – Button Mash
Space Town Savior – Columbia
Starpilot – Sparkling
Stenobot – Shark Flower
Super Danger Casper – Berbaris Satu Arah
Temp Sound Solutions – Sleepwalking In Tennessee
Thorazine Unicorn – Dreaming Machine
Whitely – You & Him
Xenon Odyssey – Quotidian
Zef – Pure Voltage
444 Jun 5, 2012 2:09 am
Re: Chip = win Listening party! (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
aww i liked that this wasnt posted OH WELL
445 Jun 4, 2012 11:00 pm
Re: Chip Touring Circuit(s) - How to organize? (41 replies, posted in Collaborations)
Touring is essentially a huge depressing money pit unless you do it extremely right. Unless you're drawing people into shows like Anamanaguchi (you aren't), you're not going to survive unless you're an opener for a bigger draw.
My last tour had VERY FEW chip scene people show up, like 3 or less. And one of them was paid to be there. I realize the ticket prices weren't exactly $5 and some people were going to see me play at blip a week later, but holy crap that should be your wake up call to how many people might actually show up to these things.
this is probably the truth for a majority of artists, and there are a number of reasons why. One is that honestly, I think the days when new artists could survive on tour without heavy marketing or a huge following are basically over: at this point, media consumption is done mostly online, until there becomes a social element (girls, friends, cred, etc) to it. I cant tell you how many bands/artists that I thought were HUGE (online) I have seen play in *Boston* for 20-30 people, never mind whatever small-town turnouts might be.
However, we have done some (very?) successful shows in areas without an established show series via one very simple technique: introduce a social element. The reason people buy tickets to Blip isn't just to see acts, its to hang out with all their online friends and reinforce "chiptune culture". They are buying themselves into a scene. Our most successful shows have been along the same lines. Its not about "omg I am touring pay me", its "we are bringing the chiptune party to you and your friends". We find out where local peeps want to go venue-wise, we have local chip talent featured / an open mic for n00bz, we get local modders or chip/related merch vendor types involved AND we well publicize it with local media.
People will GLADY pay money to come out for an event that reinforces and enhances their social niche. Hell, I would, and do. From my perspective, thats the exact reason that videogame bands like Protomen and Powerglove are as successful as they are (or abstracted slightly further, any popular band really): people are going out to see and hang out with other people in their tribe.
So perhaps take that into consideration for future touring events (not you specifically dan, im talking everybody chip here). Its a bit more complicated, but not really THAT bad, and in the end is considerably better for everybody: artists, fans and "scene".
446 Jun 4, 2012 9:22 pm
Re: Popularity Contest (208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
I get the feeling that people want some sort of curated "best of what's new" list or something to take the work out of finding new music
it's not a bad idea if done well, but probably not something for CM.org to do
447 Jun 4, 2012 7:09 pm
Re: Chip Touring Circuit(s) - How to organize? (41 replies, posted in Collaborations)
there are very few chip acts who have done any significant touring, so "typical" is a stretch. Danimal and Rainbowdragoneyes have probably done the most significant touring and both of them tour with non-chip acts to success. Our tours have been based primarily on "scene cities", or cities where there is an established chip presence (for obvious reasons).
448 Jun 4, 2012 6:29 pm
Re: Chip Touring Circuit(s) - How to organize? (41 replies, posted in Collaborations)
indeed. we've done some gigs with them in Boston and I don't care what the forums say, they are 100% awesome guys. they definitely expressed interest in doing some Chi town chip show collaboration for our next tour and I'd REALLY love to get you guys involved with that too.
just need to save up the money