that was intense man.
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by BR1GHT PR1MATE
that was intense man.
The J. Alfred Prufrock Band
ts eliot name-checks in MY cm.org???? GTFO!
kidding of course, that was way slick for a guy who crowdsurfs as much as you ;D
may i then propose: Old Possum's book of practical Cats
or is that too much of a stretch?
10 thousand hollow men and their families perhaps?
I totally forgot to post teh torrent! Thats important, yaaaar! http://www.mininova.org/tor/13201135
I liked this one a lot, tis fun to get to see the sort of "raw output" of peoples creative process... no time for constant edits and fidgeting, just pure ideas. hello thursday morning by itself is worth the download. beautiful stuff man
WOW. im massively impressed. its totally polished, feels/looks/sounds better than 90% of the "big studio" platformers i've played.
"and really... its hard nowadays to piss off your parents"
DIG IT! so early 90s
Kits are something i can appreciate. but im at work so ill listen later.
ive found that if you are clever with post-production compression on the kits, they can sound HUGE and really clear. they even lose that PCM fuzziness. im not even doing it as much as i could on these tracks, but its def worth exploring more. nobody really does it. layer with some deep wav kicks for "sub bass whatever" and its slammin'
GROWL *snap* GROWL *snap*
awww tanx m8! hell yeah, kits can sound so awesome, i think they're kinda under-appreciated really
br1ght pr1mate - midnight swedes
GET! -> http://bit.ly/knGsYz
A growly, deep, gameboy dub/house mini-mix for late, sweaty summer nights. This music goes best with debauchery.
Written in a single .lsdsng file, and recorded with 1 DMG and LSDJ 3.9.9.
The download includes a seamless mix version, which is the intended listening format for this release.
released 29 May 2011
GET! -> http://bit.ly/knGsYz
some new styles, i'd love to know that you guys think
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by BR1GHT PR1MATE