
(48 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)

you mean he's STILL not trent reznor? WTF man, this is taking a while


(48 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(48 replies, posted in General Discussion)

8-Bit-Rex wrote:

EVERYTHING must be fucking FAST sweeping arpeggios at generally 120bpm...NO FUCK THAT 200bpm and ONLY 200bpm.  And bitch I better not hear you using any CHORD nonsense or I'll straight up smack your face off.  Back those ballin' melodies with BASIC percussion Don't you DARE get crazy with that shit, I mean BASIC, son...use ONLY a snare on AT MOST the downbeat of each fast motherfucking measure.  I also want to hear as much DELAY as you possibly can...I mean I want to slam that play button down, hear one of those kickin' nasty arps, close out of the program and then hear that shit in my MIND a week later.  Finally, are you using anything other than a 4/4 time signature?  Cut that shit out.  Only 4/4 works and you better try as hard as you fucking can to remember that.

and, most importantly... all chip music is made in C major ONLY. Even if its minor.

awesome!!!!! thnks for the link, i've been wondering what all the fuss was about, and now i know. this looks genius big_smile


(81 replies, posted in General Discussion)

you want a sound that i love?

this: http://8bc.org/music/x+Critical+Strike+ … rg+DS-10)/


(81 replies, posted in General Discussion)

wow, i can't believe so many people hate FM on a chipmusic site! FM is a pretty large part of the genre


More chipshows, more better


(17 replies, posted in Releases)



(81 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:

dislike: sound of slick professional music

oh, thats a great point! that 'generic modern recording production sound' is so... empty, all eq'd and compressed and limited to hell. its hard to listen to without feeling depressed by the lifelessness of it. ;(


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)


http://twitter.com/br1zitepr1mizle              <------ just started this twit shit 2 days ago, #BIEBER ALERT
http://www.myspace.com/brightprimate   (if anybody ever uses myspace ever again, maybe ill update it)

what else should i have? soundcloud i guess? tumblr? idk, i need to get with the times...

and that picture of michael with the flame thrower is pretty bodacious. ok|fuckjazzforaminuteWITHFLAMINGDEATH



(81 replies, posted in General Discussion)

that default midi instrument "noisy stabber" drives me crazy whenever i hear it, probably because it reminds me of whenever i had to sequence a track in music school, and whoever was using the midi lab before me kept the volume cranked and id play a note AND GET NOISILY STABBED IN THE EAR. stupid noisy stabber.

that said, monkey bones and marimba sounds i find to be always pleasing. in a less "musical instrument" direction, i really really love the sound of rain

docmatrix wrote:

This is so awesome! Can't wait to check it out.

Do you have any information on what time stuff is happening? Do each of the artists get a slot, or is it more of a mash-up style event? There's so much going on at PAX I don't want to miss a thing smile

I just updated the poster with set times and which artists are on which days and etc and stuff!!!! 11-2pm, fri, sat & sun!!!!


(13 replies, posted in Releases)
