
(5 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I AGREE WITH YOU SIR, you are not alone in this cold world

sounds legit!

RG wrote:

Yeah, this idiot was Milwaukee's county executive for years and I can't say I didn't see this coming. He's currently ripping our state apart.

We're all pissed.

AWESOME! I've been hearing about this all day, Im glad to "know" people there. Fight the power brother! (also, sweet press!)

props on press! grow da scene! big_smile


(189 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jay Tholen wrote:

When discussions devolve into the old "BUT WHAT IS ART?!" thing, they should probably just end.

danimal cannon wrote:

I may still be drunk when I show up.

I am shocked, *shocked* at the implication that you may be sober for some part of PAX. Have you no decency man????

thanks! fixed!

.--. .-'. .--. .--. .--. .--. .`-. .--.
' `--' `.-' `--' `--' `--' `-.' `--' `

Boston8Bit Presents: A seriously awesome 3-day chiptune showcase
March 11th, 12th & 13th at PAX East


=== FRIDAY ===
Cathode Rays
Active Knowledge
Animal Style
Bit Shifter

=== SATURDAY ===
Zen Albatross
Danimal Cannon
Br1ght Pr1mate
Misfit Chris

=== SUNDAY ===
7th Gear
glomag and Corset lore

Batsly Adams

.--. .-'. .--. .--. .--. .--. .`-. .--.
' `--' `.-' `--' `--' `--' `-.' `--' `

For more information and updates and stuff, check out the event page:

Awesome Poster by HN_i_C here: http://i.imgur.com/va2kk.jpg

For ticketing, maps and venue information, see: http://east.paxsite.com/index.php


(189 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ant1 wrote:

i would still like shiru's songs if i found out that the he was lying and they were all made in cubase

me too! i think his songs are totally awesome and would be great arranged for any instrument(s). Shiru's music has everything that makes for strong musical content (from my perspective): great melodies, dramatic harmonic movement, epic grooves, and a strong "original voice"; I could tell these tunes were Shiru's if they were played on a banjo.

@Melkor: From your response, I can't really tell if you are talking about the "musicality" of 1-bit music or what. Beyond simply disliking them, what are the qualities of these tunes don't you feel "measures up" to your musical benchmark? If you don't like 1-bit music, I suppose thats fine, but that doesn't mean that they are devoid of art any more than bach's music for solo cello would be is you just didn't like the cello.


*edit: ah funny, fluidvolt said basically the same thing while I was typing this!


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think they are, like, humankind's official, universally accepted symbol of rebel youths. Seriously, I think every generation in history has used skulls as an totemic emblem of 'danger and/or sexiness'; from tribal war parties to pirates to secret societies to bikers to hot topic. So throwing a skull on an album is just like a shot of "this is more dangerous and/or sexy" to your optic nerve.


(189 replies, posted in General Discussion)

melkor wrote:

I am slightly ignorant about this, but has anyone heard a good 1-bit song?


pretty much anything by Shiru: http://soundcloud.com/shiru/disposal-orbit also check out attack on the mothership and astro force. genius.

pretty much anything by mr. beep: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62cnCg5YJVg

Tristan Perich seems pretty legit to me: http://www.1bitsymphony.com/

the limitation of music lies only with the composer, not the bit-rate, obviously

facbook event page wrote:

- free "mario mustache ride" for first 50 people (lol)
- 2 screens of intense, fucked up & outright psychotic mario bros visuals
- 2x as many decorations as the first Mushroom Kingdom!!
- full installation of lights & lasers
- 6 headliners representing hardstyle, trance, hardhouse, breaks, drum & bass, dubstep and CHIPTUNES & 8BIT
- decorations giveaways at the end of the night!!

not gonna lie, i'd play that. Fuck, I'd probably even just go to it. 1,500 attendees?? That seems like technicolor Ibiza on acid. Dude, Josh... PM me their email wink


(189 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Zen Albatross wrote:

If anyone is getting two middle fingers pointed at them [...] it's the retailers, advertisers, corporations and other profit-driven entities that have convinced us, over time, that the only way you can have a chance at being successful as a musician is to spend lots of money on equipment.

This is a massive point for me personally. I can't stand the commodification and fetishization of, say, guitars. The ability to create a huge, complex sound-world at (essentially) zero cost is unbelievably, unimaginably awesome. And the fact that my hardware is either RECYCLED (!?) or home-made in small batches... it just fits the zeitgeist like a glove for me.

I hate money and I hate corporations, and my experience is that chiptune is certainly punk in that regard.


(189 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i think it would be hard to dismiss the "focusing" aspect of limited channel trackers stuff... you know how in traditional japanese paintings, supposedly there is an area left blank so that the eye can "enter"? Thats how I feel about the limiting aspect of a tracker: I have a kind of starting point from which I know how how to proceed, which lets me focus on what to do next? rather than how do I begin? (which to me is a much more difficult question)

But I think that writing on any instrument has that, but you would call it technique, right? You play a few chords or notes from a scale that you know and then focus your inspiration around that, and try to shape it into something new from there. You dont go and relearn every note or chord on the fretboard just to write a new song.

godinpants wrote:

Acoustic guitar players don't generally list "the limitations" when asked why they chose their instrument.

I have an inclination that a vast majority of people who pick up the acoustic guitar probably think that it holds no limitation! Im sure guitar tunes (or other instruments that accompany guitars) probably represent a UNGODLY HUGE percentage of what is thought of as music in the western world. One instrument that can play almost every popular song of the past 75 years. Its probably good of us that our scene at least recognizes limitation, and has the insight that it itself is not the be-all-end-all of music!

I love these conversations about semantics and intent in art, its totally meaningless in a practical sense, but so dang interesting. Thanks for a fun thread godinpants. CM has been pretty fun this past week :]


(189 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Rainbowdragoneyes wrote:

I see a lot more interest in the gear/software/techniques than feedback in regards to the composition. Nothing wrong with that, but like I said, when it starts to take the focus away from the music is when it becomes less musical.

I suppose that the case could be made that "8bitcollective" or "chipmusic.org" are almost specifically venues for the technological side, whereas if you posted you songs for criticism on "awesomecharmonicstructure.com" or "beautiful.ass.progressions.co.uk" you would find the opposite....

but your comment seems like a quite valid critique on the general culture of chiptune.


(189 replies, posted in General Discussion)

godinpants wrote:

My opinion on the topic is that there is an argument for both. To your peers, the nerdier side, the tracking, the polyphony juggling, the synthesis, is all appealing. This is the input. Perhaps it is their approval you are aiming for, but after the initial scrutiny and investigation, what does your hard work hold? There's a song, but is it enjoyable?

Its hard to know, too! You have to be quite open to criticism to even be aware of these things. Sometimes its completely silly what people like; you can put tons of effort into a masterpiece of a song, and then the track that people will actually like is the one you whipped out in 15 minutes to fill space or whatever.

I think its important to realize that your opinion as the creator of the music only goes so far. Listeners will make of it what they will, and that is something that we as artists have surprisingly little control over.