dammit, it's aliceffe K t
Which is what it says... Right?
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by cheapshot
dammit, it's aliceffe K t
Which is what it says... Right?
Woop woop!!
First one in. I'll have to make sure my tune is worth remembering then It's gonna be a lil different from what I've done before, but I hop you will all like it
Thanks to Andrew Kilpatrick for getting me involved!
Don't mean to oversimplify.. said average for a reason
You are probably right. I think that my ambitions are most likely unrealistic in regards to the current state of chipmusic.
I say these things because I have a somewhat accurate picture in my head of what it would take to make chip successful on a new level, but none of the tools/funds/accreditation I would need to make that a reality. Oh well
sounds cool dude. Don't keep it in your head, there are a LOT of us here that would take your proposals seriously.
Yes, it is fun. Yes, it is a hobby for me (and pretty much all of us?). But, YES I (and again, probably a lot of us are) am like you -- wanting to take it to the next level (erm... Square Sounds anyone?)
Anyway, this is for a diff thread. Sorry for hi-jacking!
I like how we are all put into a lil pigeon hole by you. wahaha.
Mate, its just a bit of fun. Come on, lighten up
oh man,
"doing webshows is dumb" = dumb. Who wouldn't want the exposure? I mean, every show counts right?!
I perform just as I would at a normal show, just that I'm in my room at home instead. Being at home, I get to do cool stuff that I couldn't do at a live venue -- like dance with my daughter hahaha!
I'm not opposed to the idea, I just feel the existence of the vast majority don't make a whole lot of sense. The whole point of 'seeing' someone live is the atmosphere it creates and the ability to directly interact with the music. At a webshow, someone with a line-in playing songs off a gameboy and fiddling with a keyboard seems no different than just listening to the recorded version, except the audio quality is worse.
Also tl;dr most of this thread; guys need to learn to stop with the tautology.
Mate, you've been tautological yourself! Essentially what people do at a webshow and what they do at a "live" show (does this mean webshows are not live? (I know what you mean really, just being facetious)) is exactly the same. Ergo -- there is no point in arguing for one or the other.
You clearly have ways to interact with the DJ/performer at a webshow (via live chatboxes) as you do at a live event (heckling).
Cheeky release anyone? Always a pleasure mate!!
lol jake, my post here had little to do with our late night twitter-hating XD a number of people have "expressed" similar feelings, and I just think its a weird thing to get on the podium and rant about. because honestly.... who cares? streaming is fun. if you don't like it, well then don't watch it. but there isn't any need to shit on the people that do enjoy it.
you were lucky enough to just happen to have the largest thriving IRL chiptune community in the world right down the street. not everybody is so lucky.
Nice to see a positive response on here.
Jake -- is it cos no-one invited you to do a show yet? kidding man. I think they are awkard and full of technical problems and random ass chiptuners too. Still, nice to see some new faces n all that. AND I get to do it from the comfort of my Sunday morning bed
the point of this thread (or at least I thought) was to discuss how they could be improved. Not say whether you like them or not....
Nice to see celsius has some ideas that he's looking to implement. He's definitely in a position to implement them all though (the almighty cTrix living in close proximity!). It would be nice to see how this new way of showing chiptunes to the world matures IMO.
Celsius the king of chip.tv
åpP®op®îa†L¥ ∑arpé∂ téx† H3R3
(appropriately warped text here)
In all seriousness though, KODEK has been pumping tunes out like a mad man of recent. This is one prolific chip tuner!!!! Keep it up man!!
As bryface said, for getting people from all over the world playing the same show, it wins! Yes, it can be dull just watching a dude in his bedroom playing tunes (and yes, I am a culprit of this) but others really go to a lot of effort like hosting a party at the same time or adding some live raps/singing/guitar/drums etc.
I think his main gripe is that they are too long and they generally don't have good artists? (his opinion, not mine...)
As herr_prof said -- it's a free webshow. What more do you want? As long as you have a timetable before hand, pick n choose who you want to see!
DISCLAIMER -- I haven't messed with LGPT.
In LSDJ I don't go for the M command but mess with E, G and H commands on a table. Pretty cool effect if you can get it just right.
Possibly. I'll have to go through and check
Updated to 1.5
-- iPhone 5 support
-- few extra patches
You certainly will!! Really looking forward to it! Glad it all worked out for ya!
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by cheapshot