(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Unfortunately, both are sold.
) ;


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Glad to hear it.

Wish you luck with them. ( :

Thanks, too.


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Both cartridges sold.
( :


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Ha! Thanks, I wish I would; we'll see how it goes. ( :

From what I see, it's about 5$.


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hello there.

Recently while dusting, I bumped into my long no used USB cartridges. Shame, I don't need them anymore - university began and so on..
Both are in excellent condition; first has a 'LSDJ' sticker, whereas the second one is blank. Bought 5 years ago, slightly used, SRAM still works as it should - I tested it today.

Price: 30$ each + shipping (from Poland, Europe).
PayPal, if possible.



(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks, thanks one more time. (:
Now I can scroll and work like I used to one year ago, lol.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Wait, wait.
Somehow I managed to open it with cmd command. Before, when I typed java -jar etc., it said that there hadn't been any commands or software connected to it (even if Java was installed).
Now everything is fine.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

How then? I installed Eclipse, as well (I read your post before, 12ianma), then tried to drag the LSDManager into it - nothing happened.
Could you please explain how to do it?


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

3) Is impossible for me. I've installed Java for 64 bit. But the LSDManager.jar was still a file, when I double clicked it. Windows asked me, which program I'd like to use, to open it. I chose Java and then nothing happens. No pop-up appears. Nothing.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

@Tetrasaurus - DMG isn't a problem, I tested this cartridge on other DMGs and on Color, as well, and it happens on each of them. When I use another cartridge, it's allright. Everything works like a charm.
@ScreamformeS, ChipsChalleng - That's a good clue, but even when scrolling through empty projects there are issues..
@stess_tn - Have to give it a go. I've tried already re-flashing LSDJ but always with the same .sav file, so maybe it causes this problem.

I'll reply tommorow.

Anyway, thanks to everybody, I really appreciate that you want to help.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


Recently, while using LSDJ, I noticed, that something happened to it..
When I scroll through my project, it doesn't go smoothly, as it used to.
I mean, when 'down' is hold, it should go down really fast, without any hestitance.
And here, it goes fast for a really short moment (2-3 chains) then slows down and goes one-by-one. It really annoys me, when I want to scroll to the end from the beginning.
I didn't change anything in the key delay settings, everything is set to default. Running this LSDJ on other GameBoy doesn't help. Formatting everything, installing new or even older version of LSDJ neither.
Is something wrong with my cartridge?

Thanks for reading.

Would You like to sell the KP2?