oh shit that reminds me!

awesome stuff!

chipocrite wrote:

Also sent a private message. an0va don't hate me sad




Don't be worried about your age or sounding primitive-IMO, your stuff is fresher than most stuff on here lately and I love it! Welcome back!

Decktonic wrote:

just to be clear, I am playing a DJ set, not really "performing," you all know I would much rather play other people's music.

So there's that.

Get hype >> http://www.mixcloud.com/Decktonic/excel … e-mixtape/

updated OP 4 U <4

well fucking titties, consider me hyped!

The place! Where it at?
Saturday, Octboer 13th, 2012
7:00pm at PhilaMOCA - All Ages!
$7-$10 sliding scale

4th year anniversary!!! word?

The tunes! Who it is!
Bit Shifter (NYC) http://bit.shifter.net/
Radlib (CT) http://www.facebook.com/RadlibFM
an0va (PHL) http://www.facebook.com/an0va
Nikola Whallon (DET) http://www.nikolawhallon.com/

The viz! What it do!
NO CARRIER (NYC) http://www.no-carrier.com/
Chromacle (PHL) http://chromacle.com/
Animal Style (PHL) http://animal-style.com/

No workshop this year, but....

Special event: Alumni Showcase. Sweet Jesus!
Previous veteran talent will each play a song-many surprises to be revealed!!!

After-party! real chip shit!
at The Institute bar (21+) down the street with Decktonic (NJ) performing a set of the disc-jockey persuasion!

Links! damn son where'd u find those?
8static main page: http://8static.com/
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/526291100719020/

here's to four more years of chipjawns!

bold and italics!

Men of Mega wrote:
an0va wrote:

btw got ur e-mail wink

Believe it or not mister Davis, but a mail is incoming asap! Uploading files as we speak.

Dunno about doing a continuous mix, but this comment applies to almost all problems in life:

"yo you can do that with arduino"

but for reals, you need an arduino boy to essentially make the gameboy a MIDI device and BAM-DMG and ableton are synced.

btw got ur e-mail wink

No royalties and commercial usage still can infringe upon owner's copyright though, and possibly still merits a case.

However, IMO, you have a better chance of conducting your own Mars landing from your backyard than successfully suing Disney. Even if you have a completely legitimate case, the organization has a reputation for not playing very fair and using every loophole they can afford-which at their rate, is basically limitless. I'm not defending their actions by any means but seriously, they even get out of things like theme-park related casualties on the regular.

Btw you already said that pixls.

Edit: ok damn got sniped by even more derailing, fuck this

Haha didnt skrillex post on 8bc once

copyrighting "Hilary Swift-Duff-Montana-Lohans" as an actual term or maybe song name right now

sick, I knew disney would totally see progressive gameboy alternate time sig music with noise channel blastbeats as the best marketing decision for the upcoming taylor swift-duff-montana's

btw this is about to come out and I'm sure there will be many other chip ripoffs allllllllllllll over this