LSDJguides by defiantsystems is an amazing youtube video tutorial collection, good for people who ask "how do I get sound XYZ"


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

my symmetrical OCD is LOVING that right now


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

holy shit WHAT

Feryl wrote:

Something about the overall sound quality was lacking for me I guess, but I digress.

No worries dude! To each their own-I just wanted to make sure people weren't thinking that the intro was what the whole release sounded like, ya know? It's probably a good thing that there are different production tastes even within something like just 1 x LSDJ. Still, I personally love this releases' sound as a whole. smile

Feryl wrote:

I'd prefer a better-quality recording job here

Really? Be careful not to use the beginning of the first track as a judgement, because it changes radically. smile Listen up to 1:14 (where the production shifts, almost like when Wizard of Oz switches from black and white to color) and see if you still think that, because I personally think the production owns. Crisp and full as all hell-I'm def jealous!

This is amazing, great job Mr. Sposa and love the cover art!

is wocka flocka from fozzy bear

Honestly, I get waves of self-doubt and anger at the possibilities I could have done. I compensate by tweaking it live smile

freaked the fuck out at freezedream's track. fucking amazing.

This whole thing is brilliant.

Rxx on the hi hats for retriggers!

GROOVE SCREEN, 3/3 or faster, double your pattern length to compensate

Also try shortening your instrument length to make them real short and snappy. 10 or lower works well.

in b4 close

danimal cannon wrote:

One time when I was drunk I had the revelation that I love things


chunter wrote:

I didn't need drugs to learn that there is no good or bad music, there is only music I like and music I don't like.


actually, Akira's right

The term you're probably looking for is "Ego Depletion." Although misinterpreted in drug culture as "ego death," as a slang term, it originally is used to view our self-control as a limited resource.

Also a feeling that you get during that experience can also be a very sober thing, no drugs needed at all. Dr. Csíkszentmihályi proposes this in his "Flow" concept and actually has a few published articles on the relationship between Flow and the creation of electronic music. Check them out sometime!

But yes, I have experienced this effect (specifically, Flow) for sure and I also assume that nearly everyone here has too. It's not really a WHOA OMG MIND TRIP thing but it really is that experience that is expressed in the saying, "time flies when you're having fun." Coincidentally, "Ego Depletion" is the title of my next release. wink

edit: And I don't even do drugs.


(39 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

BTW this thread + ant1's c64 music for dummies thread are my two favorite things ever right now, thank you!


(39 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

minusbaby wrote:
Theta_Frost wrote:

The Chameleon looks really interesting.  VGA out sounds so nice!  Very pricey though.

Whenever I feel like a desirable and useful piece of chip music-related kit is too expensive, I remind myself to be infinitely thankful about not drooling over or feeling that I need old guitars like this.

Drum machines… well, that's another story. Sigh.

You're not missing much over not lusting over those guitars anyway IMHO