Holy hell, this should be stickied. Thank you so much.

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012
7:00pm at PhilaMOCA - all ages

$7-10 (sliding scale)

Danimal Cannon (BUF) http://www.facebook.com/danimalcannonmusic/
Trey Frey (WV) http://treyfrey.net/
Oven Rake (SEA) http://www.ovenrake.com/

Animal Style (PHL) http://animal-style.com/

Workshop starts at 7pm:
Audio-Visual improvisation with next gen consoles by Chris Burke & Tamara Yadao of Foci+Loci (NYC)

Open Mic signup begins at 7pm, don't be late!!!

After-party at The Institute bar (21+) down the street!

All info: http://8static.com/

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/396822900380856/

Ive actually been using stock DMGs lately, no prosound, and getting ridiculous loud low and full bass. Like danimal said, the sine at x2 octave is about as low as you get and on a good system that is super low. The simpler the waveform the stronger the perceived bass, too

Datathrash is yes


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This song is legend.


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I use what I can to make music. If that happens to be one gameboy with LSDJ or a huge DAW racks and racks of plugins, it'll still be my music.

I'm just laughing IRL that you chose Avril Lavigne as the archetype

I've heard it called "the T"

edit: brb making avrillavigne-tune

edit: derp, deleting for accidental hat trick



edit: also, wtf is the "that Avril Lavigne chord progression?"

Fearofdark wrote:

A chiptune example is Velathnos's "Action 53" : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItbJ7r__ … ature=plcp (again, whole tones from the start)

That tune has fami-blastbeats! omg awesome

Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:

you should study all my tunes yikes)

i noticed recently that everyone forgot how much better i was than all the new dudes

Seriously. I'm not even kidding-I could write theses on ZZZV chord modulations. Do you play piano?

It really ties the room together.

posted on fb


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

actually danimal cannon recorded that lead

minusbaby wrote:
an0va wrote:

I remember one of the first topics I ever made was about a video game and the responses were along the lines of, "this isn't the place for that," when the only thing I could think of is, "general discussion isn't the place for...general discussion?"

Your butt is the place for general discussion.


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although I could have just been stupidly and n00bishly taking the bait for trolling back then.

But really, the chip community really does have the capability to get 4channy really fast. I'm definitely purposefully silly sometimes, but that's specifically not my thing too much.

Parallelis wrote:

Isn't the General Discussion part of the forums for general discussion? I thought that was what it's for.....


"General Discussion" seems to always have this aura of "general discussion, as long as it relates to the scene." I remember one of the first topics I ever made was about a video game and the responses were along the lines of, "this isn't the place for that," when the only thing I could think of is, "general discussion isn't the place for...general discussion?"