

(56 replies, posted in General Discussion)


And furthermore, if you want a tracker right now download FamiTracker of MilkyTracker, both absolutely free! smile

Screamforme99 wrote:

Why do you all have to bash on me? I didnt just recently discover chipmusic, i just recently found inspiration to produce it, i had an old gameboy laying around i thought "Why not?". Just because i am new to the ganre does not mean i lack any of the qualities as you all have. Thank  you to those who tryed to help me out.

Relax, there's no bashing on you-just silly puns of a bored internet forum looking to make some silly humor. Don't take it so seriously. The puns made back were as silly as you asking for people to donate a bleepbloop to you, then impatiently bumping the thread minutes after you made it because there was no response in...20 minutes. In fact, nothing was even personal...just a silly run-on gag that happened AFTER THE FACT where you got your relevant information (that's a rarity on the internet these days!).  Twas harmless. Absolutely nothing was implied about your potential or your personality or your potential at least on my end. Personally, I'm jealous of you modding it, that's something on my list to learn how to do in the future.

You got the link from Primate, now buy the cart and make some jamz!


(209 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)



(209 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


micros seem awesome. they're pretty much the size of a cell phone


godinpants wrote:

sine over time.

thread closed.

Chromacle's got a micro with Nanoloop 2.x, I'll page him to this thread!

Seeing the same thread on top of "Most Recent" at different times: sign of a bump.

chipocrite wrote:

Model # - New Gorizons

if these are not track titles on the tribute album i will be thoroughly disappointed (no i won't be)


Oh yeah btw, this is tomorrow people!

chipocrite wrote:

an0va - "Identity Gormation."

dying. I got nothing after that one.

SKGB wrote:
an0va wrote:

Right before SKGB All Stars present: "Oh! Me so Gormley."

I just want you to know that I'll be rubbing my nipples and oiling up my genitals in preparation.


PlainFlavored wrote:

All of this makes working with other musicians close to impossible.

This is an interesting statement. I wonder if there's any correlation between choosing to work "in-medium" and opinion of jamming with other musicians?