Just to reiterate in response to some feedback I've gotten over Twitter throughout the day:

  • I only intend for the calendar to be a data source, I'm not planning on building any website around it, but you are welcome to use this data in any way you see awesome. Just share whatever you make with the rest of us!

  • The location field is filled out to be the most accurate street address I can find for the venue. The point of this is so that if you're subscribed to the calendar on a mobile device, you can tap the address and it should open up and find the correct location in your map application of choice

  • I'll try to include a non-Facebook URL alongside the event whenever possible. I understand people might not want to log in to Facebook to see event details, but sometimes it's all that's provided

I'm glad so many people find it useful, please tell event organizers about it, or fill out the information yourself if you know of an event that isn't listed!

Solarbear wrote:

So, what, should we just post all the gigs on it?

That's the plan, yeah!

herr_prof wrote:

awesome! Plugged you in here:


Cool! Is there any way you want the data formatted if you're going to scrape it that way or is it just ignoring line breaks for some reason?

Lazerbeat wrote:

An excellent idea. Might I be so bold as to suggest a country / city / event name convention ie

US, PHL, 8static
JP, TOK, Cheapbeats
UK, LIV, CDK presents

There is a wealth of juicy info on the calendar but I can't see how much of it is useful to me without clicking on every event.

Ah, yeah. I'll follow the chipmusic.org topic format and do [US, PHL] and so forth. I'll fix up all the events sometime between today and tomorrow. Also, thanks Xylo! I hadn't heard about that one. Should be on the calendar now.

Not sure if this is the right forum, but there used to be an 8bp curated calendar that died sometime last year. It was a really useful resource for me while traveling and going to shows and it was always fascinating to see what was going on where and when.

I decided to try and resurrect it by creating this Chipmusic Around the World calendar:
https://www.google.com/calendar/b/0/emb … google.com

I've been filling out dates from here and Facebook and any others I've heard about but I could always use help finding out about events around the world, so feel free to fill out this form with some basic info if you're organizing an event, it would be a huge help!
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/vie … NGJwOXc6MQ

Thanks everybody!
p.s. feel free to move this if it's not in the right forum


If you want to help me out, please use the date format: dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm - hh:mm
Alternatively, link me to the Facebook event for your event and I'll figure it out from there

Another installment of I/O is happening on the first Monday of November! Details are below:

Monday, November 7 at 8:00 pm
Admission: $6, the person at the door asks who you're coming to see, it's mostly bar policy

The event is at Fontana's Bar in Chinatown (21+)
105 Eldridge St
New York, NY 10002

8GB (Argentina) | http://8gb.kikencorp.com/

Rockman (Colombia) | http://www.pixelpartybogota.com/

Rhinostrich (NYC) | http://www.myspace.com/rhinostrichmusic

SKGB (PHL) | http://soundcloud.com/skgbdub/the-furth … es-of-skgb

visuals by
Invaderbacca (NYC) | http://invaderbacca.tumblr.com/

Google Map:

Take the F train to Delancey St or the J / M trains to Essex St

Don't miss out! It's going to be an amazing show!

so good

diggin' this



(35 replies, posted in Releases)

sad but what if I want to pay you for your awesome music?

weird, I know, but some of us like doing that.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

me encanto este album, gracias!


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

this is cute, somewhere in the middle of part 2 I started skipping ahead hoping you would use another note. Like kineticturtle says, you might want to explore those WAV and noise channels a bit.

Also, just a nitpicky point: this is more of a 5 minute track with 3 parts than it is an EP, but that's mostly a personal opinion


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

I enjoyed this! Looking forward to a full album!

Here's the link to the US iTunes album page


(23 replies, posted in Releases)

...can someone please make some reggaeton with a Gameboy?


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

mi parte favorita era la que tenia cumbia-bass