
(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Its usually a bad idea to mess with instruments settings during playback if you havent saved in a while.


(56 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Its pretty easy to just set every instrument you use to pan hard left or right.. would rather see a defeat transpose switch if we are fighting for space in the instrument settings big_smile


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Here's my hub

Plus... some other things.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I forget the exact version number, but you should be able to use the changelog as a guide as it is mentioned there.


(13 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)



(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

you might want to try old versions of lsdj before johan changed the hf vibrato.. it used to get MUCH crazier but thats the tradeoff for being more musical on the other end.


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Chainsaw Police wrote:

I know it's not as easy as a simple line of code, but if the PSP has been hacked, and we're already running the pig on these hacked consoles with a functioning USB port, does that mean PSP piggy midi is a possibility in the future?

Then again I'm not at all active in the PSP hacking scene, so I have no idea if a hacked console = full usb manipulation possibilities.

Its not a fully funcitoning midi port. You need usb host to have midi devices to use it. You do however ahve a fully funcitoning rs232 port on one, but alas no hardware gurus to hack it. See:



(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

whoa.. is it powered?


(69 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

will there be an updated demo? maybe you can do a compo contest for it to win a regged copy and get some tasty demos for the website...


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Plus a dude like ??? asking deserves a little more help then say.. someone else. You know he's gonna make something awesome with it.


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Chainsaw Police wrote:

New platform? Welp, it must be another obscure china-built handheld console nobody's heard of before!

Also, I found this today - Haven't actually used it, but it looks like it'd be good for PSP pig users who wanna manage their samples and project folders!
http://www.qj.net/psp/homebrew-applicat … r-psp.html

Yea ive used xplora.. that and flier work pretty well.

Ive already teased the new platform once big_smile


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

With that filter, piggy is is an ebm powerhouse.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Downstate wrote:

im basically just a bit of a dick sometimes.  especially when im on my period.

I've never heard of a 365 day period, might want to consult your gyno.


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Yea basically loading a song means quitting what you are looking at forever.


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)



(69 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)