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Search options (Page 36 of 398) / Forums / Posts by herr_prof
Topics by herr_prof
Posts found: 561-576 of 6,361
Patchapon wrote:Sweet, thank you guys for the help! I plan on getting started very soon, and I'll (hopefully) be up and running soon!
I was also just looking at the akai mpx8, and for some reason it only accepts midi in on channel 10. Is there any way to change what channels the four channels route out to?
Yea any lsdj channel can send to any midi channel. You could have all four go to midi channel 10 if you wished.
Or even imagine : an iPad !
Caveats! There are plenty!
1: Midi out cannot also send clock
2. You are limited to max 7 cc with scaled values or 1 big one with scaled values per lsdj channel
3. No velocity!
4. No Pitchbend!
Ableton work ex flow: Record a stereo bounce of the lsdj song and the four midi channels at once. Use the stereo mix as your tempo master and map the tempo to it. Quantize any midi notes you may need. You can then flip the dmg into slave mode and record each channel separately and mix to taste. Draw in whatever midi the gb lacks on your sequenced stuff.
It just needs to be thrown in a gig bag strong. Like a clear hammond with pedal strength spst buttons would be fine.

Oh yea I forgot you guys write prog shit.
Cooshinator wrote:First of all, ew why do you use 3-3 groove that's almost as bad as using 7F for your empty chains.
I use both lets fight. You know you can just treat a chain as a half a bar at a 3/3 groove right?
just hide that command behind a shell script then and start the program using that!
Also if you do a VOLM 0000 without a kill the sound IS STILL PLAYING UNTIL ANY OTHER NOTE IS PLAYED ON THAT CHANNEL. So you can just bring the VOLM back up once the solo is done playing for pads or drones or whatever.
What's wrong with kills and vols.
You can find the folder in application support I think.
aha NATIVE fifth voice without using the external input! Neaaatt!
Im pretty sure it could play a full range of note (chords too!) but was a simple square voice.
Im pretty sure it could play a full range of note (chords too!) but was a simple square voice.
Posts found: 561-576 of 6,361 / Forums / Posts by herr_prof