Games are for children.
993 Apr 19, 2015 4:38 am
Re: Industry.. When greed takes over the brain (6 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
994 Apr 18, 2015 3:04 pm
Re: Any Specific Advice On Learning Tables (LSDJ)? (16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
There is nothing you can do in nanoloop that cant be done in lsdj, except you actually have to know what you are doing in the later.
995 Apr 17, 2015 7:05 pm
Re: Anyone with experience using those cheap 4.3" tft lcds? (15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
Its probably the video signal then. not the adapter. Ive seen the problem with some video projectors as well.
996 Apr 17, 2015 6:34 pm
Re: Anyone with experience using those cheap 4.3" tft lcds? (15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
my guess is: wrong power maybe too much amps?
or the video signal isnt strong enough or something isnt connected right. Do you have anything else to test it with?
997 Apr 17, 2015 6:27 pm
Re: Any Specific Advice On Learning Tables (LSDJ)? (16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
By default everything in lsdj is 16 steps of six ticks. You can use a groove command to change how many ticks are used per step and hops can change how long or short the sixteen steps are. How it works in the phrase screen and in a table are a little different.
In a phrase its used as a pattern break, where it will stop the phrase and jump to the next phrase at X step
1 C# G01
2 --
3 -- H01
On this one it will play to step 3, and then hop to the first beat on the next phrase. You can use this to create interesting musical subdivisions, or play with the groove to get odd time signatures.
In a table , I'll quote the manual
In the table screen, H is used for creating table loops. The first digit sets
how many times the hop should be done before moving on; 0 means
“forever.” The second digit sets the table step to jump to. Loops can be
nested; that is, you can have smaller loops inside bigger ones.
hop twice to table position 1.
hop to table position 4 forever.
So you can use this to allow time for your command to work itself out, like a ADSR works on a synth if your familiar. Since most commands have a time element, you can use a hop to do something like
Play a note a3
increase the pitch to c3 over the course of four steps
Decrease back to a3 over the next four steps
If you have this table embedded in the synths instrument settings, then now you can basically forget about it, and save the commands in the phrase to do something else. Everytime this note is played, it will run its table and make its sound.
998 Apr 17, 2015 6:18 pm
Re: Anyone with experience using those cheap 4.3" tft lcds? (15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
How are you powering it?
999 Apr 17, 2015 6:17 pm
Re: Using Raspberry Pi as a usb midi to din midi converter (3 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
basically the bash is something like // or whatever you call the piggy startup script
sudo shutdown -h now
And it wont run the shutdown part until piggy does a clean (not crashing) exit.
1,000 Apr 17, 2015 6:15 pm
Re: Using Raspberry Pi as a usb midi to din midi converter (3 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
I setup a boot script that cleanly shuts down on piggy exit, so it wasnt a big deal. You can also do the same and wire a pushbutton on one of the gpio if you rather have manual control.
1,001 Apr 17, 2015 3:05 pm
Topic: Using Raspberry Pi as a usb midi to din midi converter (3 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
One of the bonuses when using a pi for piggy is you can use it as a midi converter. Someone posted a good tutorial for this here:
1,002 Apr 16, 2015 8:50 pm
Re: Creating a wave/shore water effect (4 replies, posted in Audio Production)
start vol at 0, play white noise, increase slowly to max and then fade back to zero. Add sea gulls to taste.
1,003 Apr 14, 2015 8:46 pm
Re: Furrtek GB-303 (325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Maybe someone can make a kitsch case that extends upwards, and contains the knobs? Might look dumb might be cool.
1,004 Apr 14, 2015 7:47 pm
Re: ByteSeeker Jr 2.1 - ByteBeat Hardware (7 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
I love the sounds but I have a rule for noise thingies: No case, no sale!
1,005 Apr 14, 2015 2:41 pm
Re: Anyone up for selling their Yamaha FB-01?? (15 replies, posted in Trading Post)
you just have to be patient! cheap stuff to be had if you look. <looks at the price of Tx81z> DEAR GOD
1,006 Apr 13, 2015 6:22 pm
Re: Little Sound MC (LSMC) - a multitool for LSDJ .sav files (53 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Its definitely more of a community tool, but also it will lend itself to making blank saves with banks of ready to go presets if you like working like that.
1,007 Apr 13, 2015 5:09 pm
Re: Little Sound MC (LSMC) - a multitool for LSDJ .sav files (53 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
That's how i read it. I would suggest naming srm .sav to be consistent with emulator terms.
1,008 Apr 13, 2015 4:35 pm
Re: Little Sound MC (LSMC) - a multitool for LSDJ .sav files (53 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Ok so who's creating the online instrument archive?