I just went all over the place but no luck. For those who mentioned your firmware could you also tell us what mobo you have?

http://forums.pspslimhacks.com/threads/ … sed.11970/


(22 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

that brings an interesting point. Now that LSDJ is more or less stablized, would it ever make sense to make cheap rom carts, and use an altane to save/backup ram? Or is the price difference not that much different?


(51 replies, posted in Past Events)


(51 replies, posted in Past Events)

Who wants to get some cyberpunked out vw bus and tour with the band?

KeFF wrote:

My 1000 stopped working with piggy sad

What firmware?

XyNo wrote:

try to downgrade to 6.20, didnt have these problems on it and you can install a permapatch for pro-c on this firmware !

Thanks Ill give that a shot.

I mean in the config.xml..

tried rolling back to that firmware and it didnt help.. actually is a little worse on the resuming from sleep now its crashed completely.

Yea formatting does not help. It seems that piggy is the only one that has this problem.

Did you also change your default folders?

I just got gifted a psp 1000 and put the latest ofw (6.60 pro-c2) on it and piggy is showing the problems that people have complained about before and I suspect its a problem with piggy running on the newest firmware. Is anyone running this firmware who can:

-Create Projects
-Wake up from going to sleep

Cause I cant. If you are running piggy on the psp and have no issues, can you go to system settings and post what firmware you are using here?

I ask cause I want to do a guide for the wiki about choosing the best psp and firmware for the job.


(22 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Not really, other than the altane flashing software looks much nicer than the EMS. I use the drag and derp exclusively atm.


(22 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

nonusb carts are cheaper. You might already have them. Maybe the usb part of your cart died. Maybe the connector broke. There are way more nonusb carts in circulation than usb ones, You can use a flasher to back up commercial carts like the gb camera.

Hit up higher quality soundfont sample libs and export the samples, like:



(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(14 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Whoa.. its also a general midi synth!


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

If you are truly zero budget, consider getting into DIY stuff. For the price of another monotron you can get the basic gear you can use to make effects and simple noise makers.


(32 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Btw you can use this tool to convert tons of stuff into sf2 format, or even rip wav samples from the soundfont itself: