
A .sav contains all the saved data from your lsdj rom, so all the songs and settings are in that one file.

You can use LSDJmanager to parse out individual songs to .sng files but I don't think that's what you're after right now...


(3 replies, posted in Releases)


I'm not suggesting that this would be a good idea but if you send your audio to a video input you'll get something like this:

(don't know how to embed video from Facebook...)

"Welcome to Thrash City" is now free!!  Woooooooot!!  smile

Download that mothafucka, mothafucka!  --> … hrash-city


(17 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Damn, why'd I have to notice this thread when I'm at work with no speakers?  >:(


(46 replies, posted in General Discussion)

theghostservant wrote:

Also, I wish I had nanoloop so I could stick it up my nose.

Uh uh, you're not off the hook that easy.  Phone apps count!  Now be a man and stick your phone up your nose.  tongue


(46 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This year it's all about NANOLOOP UP NOSE!!!

(good lord i need to take better care of myself)


(35 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Throw a demo rom on your flashcart and try it out.
Link: … /Nanoloop/

If you're really into using effects commands in lsdj (as opposed to focusing only on the instrument screen) you may find you're not into it.  The overall sound possibilities are at least equal.


(43 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Chainsaw Police wrote:

I'm not yet signed with or released any music on a netlabel yet, but I'm pretty good mates with Arnie of Datathrash.

Ever since he posted a link to one of my tracks, I've had a massive rise in listeners and respect in the thrash part of the scene. I've had requests for remixes, releases and the like.
I really don't think I'd have reached this particular level of coverage and respect in the scene without Arnie's help (and godinpants for originally showing him the link).

But on the same breath, self-releases are great if you wanna be in total control of what you release and when. I hate creating deadlines and pushing myself to reach them, but sometimes that attitude doesn't go down too well with label owners (luckily Arnie and most other chip label owners are swell guys).

We (meaning me) aim to please and help as much as possible.  Thanks for the kind words!


EDIT:  If all goes according to plan there will be copies of Graffiti Monsters' 7" release on Datathrash Recordings available at this show.  \m/ \m/


(8 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

All the 32K Pixelh8 roms seem to be working just fine!  Who woulda thunk it?  big_smile


(19 replies, posted in Releases)



(8 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

kitsch wrote:
egr wrote:

Pretty much all of Pixelh8's stuff --

curious about that one, those ROMs have compatibility errors with most flash carts.  all of those except EPROM-based ones, i believe...  unless someone knows a trick with them.

if anybody tries this let me know if it works or not with the PixelH8 stuff...

Doh, forgot about that.  Deathray works but it worked on EMS too.  I'll check MusicTech tonight.


(8 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Chainsaw Police wrote:

You're bound to find something in here.

From there:

MuddyGB --

Ikinari Bopper --

Pushpin (midi) -- … d/Pushpin/

Nanosynth -- … Nanosynth/

Nanovoice -- … Nanovoice/

Pretty much all of Pixelh8's stuff --

shitwave --


(43 replies, posted in General Discussion)

MisfitChris wrote:

Gives you a chance to collaborate and become close friends with a group of artists w/ like minded tastes.

That part right there cannot be emphasized enough.