
(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:
neilbaldwin wrote:

Where's the set of stairs you throw your drum machine down to make that noise you call music?

/dad mode

Daaaddd! Its called SKWEEE!

You're the sweee, twerp!  *administers atomic wedgie"

/older douchebag brother mode


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

arfink wrote:

My guess is that one could just bypass the bank-switching circuit, which uses a capacitor based circuit to determine time since last power up. with a toggle switch, thus keeping both banks but preventing power-time cycle.

That sounds like a good option.

L-Tron is some synthy, phasey, weirdness.  I'm really diggin' it.


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Possibly related:  I've got one gameboy that refuses to recognize page 1 of the carts.  If I do the power cycle page 2 always works.  I'm guessing it's a connector issue since it doesn't happen on any other unit.

Smiker posted this last month:  http://8bc.org/music/smiker/Purple+Motion+M4G-Tracker/

Quote from the comments:  "Done with M4g-Tracker. Last version was a bit buggy, and i got busy doing some research on other fields, I had some life, regained strenght, then continued the project. For those who think it died. M4G Tracker Still Lives!!!!!! >: D"

I will attend in spite of my mortal fear of explosioning.


(112 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Rick Wakeman's "Journey to the Center of the Earth" is one of my favorite recordings. I have three copies on vinyl.

Also "Joe vs the Volcano" is a modern masterpiece.  smile


(112 replies, posted in General Discussion)

low-gain wrote:
egr wrote:

Cassette players.  Boombox, walkman, "tape drive", whatever.  I love cassettes and while cry the day I don't have a tape deck in my vehicle.

Also reading anything by Frank Herbert or William Gibson but there's nothing "geeky" about that... right? wink

You and me both!

Here's a few of my favorites smile

<<< that pic kinda blows but it's an awesome box

... and best of all ...


(112 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Cassette players.  Boombox, walkman, "tape drive", whatever.  I love cassettes and while cry the day I don't have a tape deck in my vehicle.

Also reading anything by Frank Herbert or William Gibson but there's nothing "geeky" about that... right? wink

I've been rockin' "Love Bits" Wayne's World style with the discman in the passenger seat.  smile  I hadn't heard at least of third of the tracks and I feel like a dufus for not getting the CD sooner!  Ready for some Low-Gain and L-Tron!!!


(152 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Maybe it would be better to focus on how error code can assure everyone that no money beyond the cost of materials is being made?  Then, the physical release is no different from the free download... correct?  Other than being cool, I mean.  smile


(152 replies, posted in Collaborations)

The possibility of a "CDr" release was mentioned in the original post but unfortunately it's been edited.  sad  I like the concept of the "not-for-profit" release but as with anything non-profit it will be hard to PROVE that that is the case if it really comes down to it.

Since you say part of the packaging is being hand made I'm going to guess the total run of cds will be fairly small... so maybe the potential for profit is to small to worry about?

A small electric drill with the appropriate sized bit will make a nice hole and no dust like from a dremel.


(152 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Analog wrote:

I'm glad that this is coming out!

thanks in advance for all the work for putting all together guys!

From 8bc thread (does this count as cross-posting?):

arfink wrote:

One other thing- the PowerPak does not allow runtime modification of the rom. Properly used, the Munchausen cartridge can have its data changed on the fly. This allows coders to use lots of cool tricks by feeding the NES data from their PC while it's running. It also makes this cartridge better for doing stuff live (chiptune, VJ, whatever) since you don't have to restart the NES, re-pick a ROM, etc etc, because the data can be manipulated on the fly if you want. This cartridge gives the developer (and subsequently the user) alot of extra freedom.

I don't think you've laid out this difference quite as bluntly on this forum yet.  For me, this is the really unique part of this project.  Rock it!


(59 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hmmm, if nothing else it's a cool story
