kitsch wrote:

new product just added.  check out first post...

Oh fucking nice.  That's a much better (and pre-made) version of this if I'm not mistaken?


(20 replies, posted in Releases)

arfink wrote:

Did I already say this is awesome? No? It's awesome.

-a somewhat random observation: listening to this and looking at the album art brought back (strangely enough) powerful memories of classic Sesame Street shows I saw as a kid. I have no idea why. Maybe the music will do cool/odd things to you mind too!

"1234, 5!
6789, 10!
11, TWELVE!!"

Was that Sesame Street or Electric Company?


(34 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Worth every penny.  I've got an un-built monome clone laying around waiting for OSC support (which is coming in the new version I think) and as soon as they get disk streaming for large files done it will be my only DAW.


(29 replies, posted in Releases)

Listening through now and it's wonderful.

low-gain wrote:

soon enough damn it. lol just buy the cd's first! hahaha

PM'd you a quick question.

Pastel Arsenal wrote:

Minor (effing) Threat, Dead kennedys, and Bad Brains are some of my favorites. I've also been listening to some pre-punk stuff a lot lately, it's just as raw in some cases especially the mc5 and the stooges. Rocket from the tomb is another good pre-punkish band although they sound pretty punk to me (who gives a shit anyway right?). I think one of the guys from them ended up starting pere ubu.

The Fucking Stooges.  \m/  \m/  ... at least "Raw Power".  Good call.

low-gain wrote:
athleos wrote:

U.D.A. vinyl please!!!

coming soon hopefully..

I wish very much to "pre order reserve come to your house and steal" this.

low-gain wrote:

by any chance could some people put the heads up to these releases on 8bc?
Obviously i can't post there or else i suppose i would.

copypastad fer ya

My tastes run pretty "mainstream" when it comes to punk:  The Dead Milkmen (go F yourself, they rule), The Dead Kennedys, Misfits, The Jam ... and such as.


I find this material highly offensive and disorienting... YAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!


(85 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Beware wrote:

It's a conspiracy to suppress the chipmusic masses and prevent any kind of uprising amongst our ranks.  8BP sicks arlen on anything fun to give us a unified target that isn't Nullsleep.  If we kill Nullsleep, the center of their hive mind is shut down and the collective falls apart.

You have revealed their secrets... we shall miss you.  sad


(85 replies, posted in General Discussion)

"When do I get to see the sailboat!?!?!?"  smile

I assumed this was a meme-y joke until about ten minutes ago.  I can only find three of them, tho.


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm looking at this more as a "back to the roots" style idea.  Trading modules, learning about software, keeping the file sizes tiny to simulate low bandwidth connections... but with a focus on noise.  I dig it!  Not that I knew anything about computer music back when those things were going on.


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I really like your concept (and noise/chaos in general).  I have to ask:  Why the 1MB cap?  If you did away with that you could include the needed players in the release... you'd be asking for a mountain of headaches and "tech support" requests but it would be a nice touch.

Regardless, expect some submissions from me (if for no other reason than to see what happens)!

egr wrote:

Note to self...

I screwed up and wasn't able to stay long enough to see Smiletron OR Magic Hammer.  Bahhhh!  Is the video still available to watch?  I be am retardeded with uStream.


(152 replies, posted in Collaborations)

the mist toggles wrote:

smile today i heard from Plink (errorcode) that the final mastering is ready.

things take time, but quality is first priority in this.

soon it will all be ready.

Nice.  I shall be patient.  smile