
(111 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Oh lawd...


(111 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Dang it, now you've got me looking...


(40 replies, posted in Releases)

Yay!  I still can't download little-scale's release tho...

tRasH cAn maN wrote:

Major speed difference!

\o/  No more "Server timed out" messages!

neilbaldwin wrote:

I'm too good to you all wink

True.  Rock on!

bleep.com looks very promising.  Bookmarked!

iLKke wrote:

There will be a dedicated arranger screen as well (to the left of the tracker on the screenmap)


That's a beauty!  Would the inst/vol/fx columns appear and disappear as you move between channels (looks like it)?  The only part that looks not-awesome is the tiny pattern arranger.

I signed up with http://www.lala.com to download the Flaming Lips "Dark Side of the Moon" and it seems like a pretty slick and well stocked site.  Anybody have opinions or experience with them?  I have an irrational hatred of Apple so don't even say the "i" word!  I mean it! wink

akira^8GB wrote:

I don't know about the rest, but I hardly make 1 track worth showing around in a month.
I also don't understand why I would share publicly a WiP.

Agreed, but I would have to change "month" to "year" to be honest...

I'm in favor of medium to heavy limits on uploads.  Afterall, you can always post a link to whatever you like in the CC section.  "Official" uploads to chipmusic could then be considered your personal best-of-the-best.


(61 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Nice.  I have my new PSP background!


(61 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I agree that the chipmusic+tweet balloon is teh fine and dandy.  But why can't I "right click-save image as"?  Screencaps are sux.

EDIT:  Oh, because it's NOT an image... der der der


kewl i crave symmetry

Thought I'd mention it, just looks weird.