(7 replies, posted in Collaborations)

i_beat_tetris wrote:

Is there any deadline date on this? Or as you feel tongue

Once I get a few remixes and it looks like there'll be enough for an album I'll set a time limit so it won't go on forever.

Aesthetically, I'm into that.

I'm not sure if the mechanical strength in the game boy link cable connection comes from the outer shield or from the tightness of pin connections.  I have two GBCs that badly need a stronger link connection.  Halp?


(7 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Feryl wrote:

I read that as "Trey Frey Rage Remix."

Maybe if I changed the title to that I'd get more action.  wink

Check your cart connector.  I expect there's some solder debris down in there that's sometimes bridging the pins.  Maybe spray it out with canned air or sweep it with a small brush/pipe cleaner.


(7 replies, posted in Collaborations)

One bump with a direct link to the track in question. Tear this shit up!

https://littlesoundassembly.bandcamp.co … age-repeat


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

Feels good! /airhorn big_smile


(4 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Domu wrote:

Cheers Arnie! (Its Oliver; we mates on FB)

Haha hey!  I didn't realize that was you.


(4 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

To get a specific single cycle make sure that your loop start and end points end with 00 and that the end is 100 greater than the start.  So something like this (i can't remember how many digits are in the loop points right now) -

loop start: 0002845100
loop end:  0002845200

OH! And also make sure your sample start point is the same as your loop start point!  I forget that a lot.


(23 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Decktonic wrote:

Hey all, GIF Jockey is now GIPHY GJ and there's versions for Windows & Linux available, check it out here:


Cool!  big_smile

(hey guys, i did the thing lol)

Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/520723654747940/

LIVE COMPUTER SEX! is a brand new showcase for live electronic music of all genres in Nashville and the surrounding area.

Our premier edition features 4 lo-fi artists that incorporate chiptune (Game Boy, NES, DS, etc) into wildly differing styles.


Abandoned on Fire - Bowling Green, KY - chiptune, breakcore, noise - http://abandonedonfire.bandcamp.com/

Sugar Sk*-*lls - Nashville, TN - chiptune, synthwave, electro-singer-songwriter - https://sugarskulls.bandcamp.com/

Hypnogram - Evansville, IN - chiptune, heavy dance - https://www.facebook.com/hypnogram

Zyvoxx2 - Nashville, TN - chiptune, groove, synths/samplers


(9 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

This is always an interesting topic to me, BPM being tied to an unrelated hardware behavior.

Delek, are there benefits to using bpms that are divisible by the refresh rate vs those that require "extra code" to achieve?

Follow up question:  what are the refresh rates of the DMG and GBC?


(5 replies, posted in Past Events)



(7 replies, posted in Collaborations)

This track (Try Fail Rage Repeat) appeared on the Little Sound Assembly 2015 promo album (http://littlesoundassembly.bandcamp.com/album/lsa-2015) and since it's about the experience of writing chiptunes I felt it would be a good idea to let you all vent your compositional frustrations by remixing it.

Download includes lsdjsng file, stems, and a full render for your abuse.

Email me (address in the txt file) or tag me on social media with any remixes you may do.  I'll collect them up for a free Bandcamp album if there's enough and people are willing.

LINK:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/3btyxd0h00151 … x.zip?dl=0


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

perajeremy wrote:

Logged in just to say how awesome this is.

This is 420/69 awesome.


You're in luck!  This just happened:  http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/17069 … ster-more/