(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

loudaslife wrote:

A nice touch would be to make sure a frontlight kit will fit without any modification to the case.

Excellent idea.


(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Oh! Forgot to ask if you're also making custom screen covers or if you'll have it so original covers will fit?


(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

That's really nice, honestly.

Some things to look into:

I'll find a link to the arduinoboy mini, it fits in a standard dmg case I believe so it might be an easier option for you.

Also, consider using the (now getting more common) 1/8th inch plug to midi plug adapters to save even more space. Like on the korg sample pads and the beatstep.

Just some thoughts. smile


(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'm definitely interested in custom gbc shells.  That mockup looks very thick, tho.  What outer dimensions are you using at the moment?

nitro2k01 wrote:

Haha! I'm thinking more of the lines of, if I sold the ROM bandcamp style, name your price, what should the default be.

$5 to $8 would feel reasonable what with lsdj still being by donation and nanoloop having gotten so much cheaper.

Not that you have to base your pricing on existing products. You know the effort that it took to make, price accordingly.

Very good selection of tracks on this.

The waveframe screen and the synth screen are two separate ways to make instruments. They don't exactly work together (they do but it's more complicated than that). I STRONGLY recommend you read and study the WAV sections of the lsdj manual and experiment with the program as you do.

Link: http://www.littlesounddj.com/lsd/latest … _4_6_6.pdf


(13 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

!!! Interesting, thanks for posting!


(6 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Gat dang!  I don't usually go for gameboys that aren't monochromatic but THOSE are freakin' AWESOME.

ecce homo wrote:

Did the audio not play in the demo? You can play xm in vlc or I can upload mp3 for you later today. All the sfx are wav.

I only heard sfx in the demo but I'm on a work computer that has ridiculous firewall settings so not every page loads like it should.  I'll try it again later tonight.

I had short play on the demo and it's pretty neat.  I like the environment and the combat animations in particular.  Do you have the audio somewhere in a format other than xm?  I'd like to check it out for sure!

Hi, Mathias81. Welcome to cmo!

The noise you're hearing is normal.  LSDJ has an automatic battery saving mode that turns on when ever music isn't being played.  It causes the extra noise.  You'll most likely get used to it pretty quickly but if you just can't stand it anymore you can do the "prosound mod" which will eliminate almost all of the noise but can make your gameboy a little harder to use with headphones.  Just google or search on here for "prosound mod" and you'll get tons of results.

Definitely put me down to beta test!


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I like your waifu. smile

Ahh yeah, ok

herr_prof wrote:

The key repeat can also control the speed of the retrigger when you hit sel + start, so you can drill the opening loop of your song a little more rhythmically.

Wut?  As in the the key repeat value overrides the R command value?