(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)


EDIT:  oops, I see it in the title now tongue

LINK: https://datathrash.bandcamp.com/album/i … nd-grace-3

+Let's Disinfect!+ is back with a sinister and moving sound story that conjures medieval imagery of the protagonist's journey from his dying village into the cruel and harsh world.

CDs and printed patches shipping soon!

BLEO wrote:
Arc-Demon wrote:

Okay, you guys, I was hoping for some first-hand knowledge of similar models or the like. A product description from the manufacturer's website, okay... that's helpful, but it isn't going to mention what sucks about the product. For example, I found that there isn't touch sensitivity... at all... if I'm not mistaken. Seriously? What's up with that?

And lmgtfy is neither funny, clever, insightful, nor as effective as directly posting a search that I already did. I know how the internet works. I've been using it for 15 years.You should be ashamed. Go stand in the corner. Any corner. The nearest one you can find.

You go stand in the corner for asking about some junky keyboard on a chip music forum.


I think this is the root of your problem:

thebitman wrote:

The last thing you need to know about this software is that when you back sav's up they are still in this condensed state. To properly back up your saves it appears that you need to do an initial backup, then delete all other save files on the cartridge, back up the save for a particular game, then flash the multisave back and repeat the process again for the other games.

From this thread:  http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/9501/ … hat-is-it/

cheesydogg2582 wrote:

but with the new firmware/ software update doesnt it allow it to have multiple saves? and it seamed to work with multiple saves when i made a test save of lsdj and a couple of games and i pulled out the cart and switched pages and a bunch of other stuff. the saves all worked on the cart. the only real problem came up when trying to reupload the saves to the cart after backing them up to my pc. the showed up in the sram but didnt work in the games. lsdj and the games just appeared blank. i even tried renaiming the .sav files from the saved state as "Record.sav" to the game name and lsdj.sav

Does the sav on your pc work in an emulator?  (my favorite is BGB: http://bgb.bircd.org/)

Also, when you say "new firmware/software update" just what are you referring to?  An alternate multirom menu or perhaps LittleFM?  The 64M carts can only have one sav at a time.  There are things that do different compression etc to make better use of it but still only one sav can exist on the cart.

Here's a few things to try:

1. Don't have other roms that can save on the cart at the same time as lsdj (on either page, there's only one save area)

2. It's not necessary but is a good practice to have your rom and sav named the same thing (as in lsdj.gb and lsdj.sav)

3. Try several other usb cables and ports, sometimes that's the only problem

4. Delete all roms and sram on the cart (if possible) before trying to write lsdj gb and sav (if you get it working)

5. If you have an Android device and an OTG cable try this excellent app:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … emsflasher

shemusic wrote:

It really depends how you classify "chiptune" in the first place.
Let me dive into a little rant about chiptune and the genre of chiptune/8bit etc..

"Chiptune" music in 2015 is alive and well.. kind of.
For the younger audience and people that didn't really grow up with the 3 channel/1 noise setup, EDM + some random bleeps is "chiptune".
Just listen to some DJ Cutman compilations or Streams on Twitch. It's filled with EDM and bleeps.

Now, The question is, do we want to keep beating a dead horse and keep chiptune strictly music and sounds generated from CHIP or emulations of Chips? Or is there a way to grow the genre but still keep an authentic chip sound. I believe there is a way.

My opinion on making "game music sounding songs" or "game music covers" is kind of like beating a dead horse to be honest.

On the other side you have the EDM + BLEED BLOOP sound music which i myself do no classify as Chiptune at all.
For me, you can not use EDM drums a.k.a Real Drum hits and drumsets/Electronic drums, VST synths and Dubstep drops with some random "chiptune" melodies and call that "chiptune music" IMO.

In my opinion, a chiptune song should have mostly chip generated sounds.
That means 4bit sounds, Including drums.

There is another way to grow the genre of "chiptune music" and that is to grow away from the "Game Music Soundtrack" sounding songs and maybe explore Sounds generated from Chips like Nintendo, C64 etc and Utilize those sounds to the fullest within other genres like Alternative Rock, Electronica and even Classical.. and why not add Vocals.

But you keep the soul and the base sound/90% of the sound generated by 4bit/8bit sounds.
Imagine; The Doors - Light my Fire with everything in 4bit sounds except the vocals. I would consider that a new step in Chiptune music.

A step where Chip music can actually have an impact on modern music, instead of having random bleeps within a song.

Make an Entire song out of sounds from 4bit/8bit chips.. emulated or not. But keep that as a base, and then add vocals and there you go.
I think chiptune music can survive and i believe chiptune music can grow beyond indie and expand into the mainstream.

Heartful and honest music composed with 4/8 bit sounds and melodies. That is what is lacking at this moment, that is what i want to hear from chiptune.

Look just a little deeper than the "chipscene top 40" and you'll find plenty of the music you're describing.

Some examples of varying genres: J. Arthur Keenes, Shitbird, Bit Mummy, Solarbear, Jay Tholen, ... so many more!

Dammmmnnnn that's impressive "3D" work!!


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Dibs on piggymidi. PMing now.

Terbografx wrote:
egr wrote:

Your best option is to get BGB working properly.  Look in the settings tab for latency or buffer settings (don't have it in front of me at the moment).  Also check what wav writer is selected and experiment with other options.  BGB can sound stuttery when rendering but the wavs should still come out perfect as long as your system is configured appropriately.


You can select other writers?

Oops. I meant audio system, not wav writer.

vucifer wrote:

I found a good price for OSAKA LOCA (15ish bucks): https://breakitfix.it/product-category/chemistry

I'm guessing it's the "soft loca" that is needed for the frontlight?

Your best option is to get BGB working properly.  Look in the settings tab for latency or buffer settings (don't have it in front of me at the moment).  Also check what wav writer is selected and experiment with other options.  BGB can sound stuttery when rendering but the wavs should still come out perfect as long as your system is configured appropriately.


Jazzmarazz wrote:

Remember that box I never sent you? I'll throw my arduinoboy in there too (although you should be able to find the bytes in the source code)

I have a spare Nanoloop midi adapter I can send you as well if that would be helpful.

Why would you assume "fakebit"?

Jono-60 wrote:
egr wrote:

I heard back from GBC.EMU developer that he'll try to add 128k sav support in the next update.  smile

Woohoo great news! Hope he does actually add it, but at least he's acknowledged it.

When did you send your email? I've sent 3 to him recently but hasn't replied at all.

I sent one around February and a follow-up about a week ago. Fingers crossed!