
Oh, lol I thought it was the old site style word filters

Hell yeah! Really happy for you all!!


(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Facebook chatter suggests there's some beta testing going on so the carts shipped to buyers will be bug free as much as possible.

[derpl perst]



(19 replies, posted in Releases)

Evil Scientist wrote:

If anyone's up for having a go at remixing any of the tracks, i've uploaded the lsdsngs here: …

and all my horror kits are here:


Yes.  I am up for having a go, indeed!

I'll take the ems with the dead usb.  PM'd you a few minutes ago.


(19 replies, posted in Releases)

This is fucking awesome!

W4LKR wrote:

Nevermind, got it.

It doesn't work, would be perfect though!

I meant to try this out on BlueStacks.  It's available for Mac too so maybe try that:


(19 replies, posted in Releases)

Kewwwwwwllll big_smile

SBthree wrote:

Ok BitFlourish, I greatly appreciate your step by step, but it did not work for me. I will type out the steps I did in order to show where it stopped working for me. I am going to type out every little thing I did, just to really be clear as what I tried to do. Here is what I did:

put rom in folder
***added step*** opened terminal
***added step*** ran command: cd <folder location / name >
turn on gameboy while holding select until the rhombus boot screen appears
connect nlmidi connector to usb port and link cable
insert link cable in
run the command: nlmidi -send <rom name>.gb

at this point the terminal window returns this:

-bash: nlmidi: command not found

Is there something I need to do to get the system to recognize the command? I do get the n to appear, so I think my gameboy is all ready to

You have to make sure to use the exact name of the nlmidi program in your command line.  I think last time I ran it the version was "nlmidi04".  Just look in the unzipped folder and find the appropriate file name.

Edit after reading your post more closely.  Make sure when you type in the commands that you use exactly what's shown in the command list on the screen.  Don't just copy/paste from somewhere else.

As usual, +1 from me.


(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Woot! The manual has some exciting stuff! Does the MIDI IN mode require an arduinoboy or just a link cable?



(2 replies, posted in Releases)

This is radtacular to the maxxx and I am blessed by its greatness. Praise be!