(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Added wiring pic to first post.

BennVenn wrote:

You can run the ROM in an emulator FROM THE CART!!! This means plugging in your LSDJ cart and continue working on your project as if it is in the GameBoy - all your work is saved automatically back to the cart.

That's something I hadn't thought of, great tip!  I'm going to try this with my derps.


(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I will tomorrow. Too late tonight, already in bed.

I got hold of a prototype of Kitsch's amp_dmg Game Boy headphone/speaker amplifier replacement board.

It's a direct drop-in replacement with no cutting or drilling required.  The stock amp board is removed and the amp_dmg connects to your choice of prosound output (pre or post pot) and takes power from the regulator or other 5V source like a backlight or other mod would.  There's connections for the internal speaker as well but I didn't use it.

I've recorded a sound comparison of the stock output and the amp_dmg output using one of my LSDJ tracks here:

There is a noticeable volume increase but the most significant benefit for me is being able to write with headphones using the prosound output without needing an external amp.  Also, there's almost zero background hum from buttons presses etc when LSDJ isn't playing.

Kitsch is currently revising the design but when these become available I highly recommend them!  In fact, I already wish I'd gotten a few more!

Link to the amp_dmg entry on kitsch-bent: http://store.kitsch-bent.com/product/amp_dmg

b4by f4c3 wrote:
egr wrote:

PG is such a cool place! I'm ready for another LSA fo sho!!

such purple tho!

The color of royalty.

I'd be very happy if the appreciation of chipmusic as only video game reference would die completely. But I believe that (unfortunately) the games and 80s references are embedded in the music itself. As in, even tho an artist may have no ties or love for that stuff, when their methods/tools are revealed it will lead immediately to "Zelda, your Samus is in another Castlevania." It would be more work to extricate ourselves from this than to preserve it.

Edit: this is much less a problem with amiga, c64, and any non-game console chipmusic. Kids don't remembe any of that stuff.

The wikipedia description of the band makes me think I should check them out and the lsdj connection is neat too.  Reading that the lsdj track is straight house is kind of a bummer tho when I see descriptions of them as sounding like "the sun came up and then went supernova" and them being called a "noise band".

I'mma find something of theirs that's streamable besides game boy house.

EDIT: oh i see that's its a solo album by one of the members, ok that make more sense

sandneil wrote:

i don't think it is unreasonable to have higher expectations of famous people with record deals and big names and fact magazine articles about them than of random depressed teenagers who started making music 3 months ago



Game Boy Color Master Race


(43 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

BLEO wrote:

What version of Android, egr?

Currently 4.4.4 but it's worked through the last few updates.


(12 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Don't waste money on something you're not sure you'll use.  Get a $10 game boy from ebay or craigslist and try it out first.


If I were capable I'd definitely help. This looks to be the most useful non-cart related gameboy accessory ever created.

PG is such a cool place! I'm ready for another LSA fo sho!!


(43 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Works good on galaxy note 3.

Here's some test results for several Android game boy emus: https://www.reddit.com/r/emulation/comm … g_results/

GBC.EMU (https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … &hl=en) scores the highest by far and it does sound extremely accurate.  But since it's based on Gambatte it only uses a 32k sav file which is not enough for LSDJ's file manager and forces you to use save states [ed. which are bogus and lame].

I've emailed the gbc.emu developer asking if it's possible to increase savs to 128k.  The email is on this page at towards the bottom: http://www.explusalpha.com/home/gbc-emu  Maybe if we all request this minor change it'll get bumped to the top of the list?