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Topics by egr
Posts found: 497-512 of 3,324

gofundme link:
A gofundme campaign to raise money for the surviving member (and family) of The Winstons, the group that recorded "Amen, Brother" that the amen break is sampled from.
A nice idea and it's picking up steam rapidly. Considering how ridiculously widespread the amen has become and that there's apparently only one member of the group still alive it's easy to say "too little too late" but hey, you'll get a warm fuzzy feeling.
Fighter Carts too? 
You're doing some really neat stuff, good work!
nitro2k01 wrote:Most likely during the upcoming week. Thank you for your patience. 

Huh, so it's back to a regular gba cart case? I thought the pcb style was really smart. Wonder what made him change it back?
If you're a Google fanboy like me you could store your files on Google Drive and use an embedded player to stream them. I'm pretty sure if you set the permissions of the files to public or whatever that it would work fine.
n00bstar wrote:Doesn't it put you into the rotation of bands to discover though? Or can you opt of of that? I'll go take a look, it might be the simplest solution of all.
Hmmm, I don't know if you can opt out of Discover or not. I've never paid it any attention. 
Bandcamp works just like you've described. They have embeddable players, you can prohibit downloading, no "radio play", and no limit to how much audio.
Woot! Sounding great. MicroSD would be great but maybe overkill. 8mb will already hold over 60 savs which is a crazy huge amount 
Nice idea. Very poorly executed. Fucking very.
Here's the BGB faq thread, I'm sure somebody can help you with running it on Mac (I probably haven't used an Apple product since grade school).
It's possibly the emulator. Try BGB and see if you get the same issue:
I was going to link you to appropriate section of the nl2 manual but it looks like sync isn't really explained there.
Yes, you can sync but I don't know the current method for nl2.x
Nicely done! As an introduction to nanoloop for the non-chiptuner this is great.
It's funny that you ask because the pissbox was inspired by a thread from EvilWezil on doing the exact recording process you're describing:
I made the pissbox to do the inversion in realtime and to save a step in the recording process. Also for performance but that has turned out to not be an issue now that I've got several shows under my belt.
Posts found: 497-512 of 3,324