(257 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)


I can't open your doc on mobile. Just what is going on here? You located the soundtrack code or...?

@zneth - it's just not for me, improv effects don't go well with the stuff I perform

I'd like to trade my Mini Kaoss Pad 2 for your iRig Mix (this thing: http://www.amazon.com/IK-Multimedia-iRi … B006Z7HYLA )

USA only plz.  Thx.


Oh yeah, you've got some great sounds in there! I need to give monowave another shot. Used in piggy but only barely touched it as a kit.

Sweet, I'll check your recordings out!

For tuning your kits use the pitch setting in the instrument screen. 01-8F pitches up, FF-90 pitches down with 8F being the highest and 90 the lowest which is sorta weird.

Here's the actual thread about the Android app: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/15904 … 64m-carts/


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Must get!  big_smile

Bonus tip:

In a kit instrument's table, put this at the top of one of the effect columns



(617 replies, posted in Releases)

Cool. Either works for me and less to carry.  smile

I don't want to complicate unnecessarily but after posting my orginal ideas I realized that using a male link plug would make the device pretty much dmg-specific.  With that in mind, a female link plug would probably be more flexible since the user could source the appropriate cable for the gb model they use. Make sense or am I over thinking it?

Edit: looks like you may have already addressed this

I'm down to help and purchase once they're ready. I'll make a wishlist of functions and add it here later.

Another thing: I notice that you're supplying a patched lsdj rom. Are you checking licenses or coordinating with Johan somehow?


Software wishlist - able to rename sav files using the gb... that's about it tongue

Hardware wishlist - male link connector so no cable is needed, same for usb if pc connection is included (so like a link connector on one end and usb on the other)

BennVenn wrote:

Would a USB drive style dongle that can save and restore multiple .sav files via a link port be handy? The focus would be on keeping the price down. 16 x 128k save files. USB stick size device. Aiming for $10-12 per unit. Could make sharing tracks a little easier? Or perhaps for swapping out saves on a longer DJ set?

This way it doesn't just apply to the one cart like LittleFM, but instead can be used on all Flash carts

That's a very interesting idea. I'd take one just for emergency purposes.

Edit: hell, I'd take 3 now that I think about it

Oooo excellent news!