herr_prof wrote:

Tempo wobble. Can you non automatively slice like a boss

I can not.

How about if I record from a midi synced actual gameboy?  Will my magical slicing tools work then?

Resurrecting this topic for a related issue:

I'm using BGB to render songs and then chopping those renders into loops for use in other software.  I'm using a high pitched pulse instrument at the beginning and end of the song to indicate where the render needs to be trimmed and I'm pretty confident that I'm doing a good job of trimming at the exact sample point where the actual song starts/stops.  This is all being done with 2-4 minute long files.

When I load the wave into BeatCleaver or the Renoise sampler to chop it up I just cannot seem to get the perfect loops I'm hoping for.  If I go by tempo detetection there's always a tiny slice left at the end and the loops are all off-set slightly.  If I use an option to slice into a specific number of equal size chunks it's a little better but still drifts enough that (for instance) the first hit of a loop is missing it's impact.

So with all that said:  Am I dealing with "tempo wobble" from lsdj in bgb, poorly trimmed wave files, or tools that aren't up to the task of slicing "big" files?


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

JodyBigfoot wrote:

a bit like an arduinoboy needs to be put on the right mode so does the usb connector it needs to be set onto MIDI mode, which is done in temrinal, but im having trouble

Quick "how to":

1. Open a terminal window
2. Change directories to the the unzipped nlmidi_04 folder that you downloaded from nanoloop.com
3. Type "nlmidi04" to run the program
4. (there will be some text instructing you to plug in the adapter or whatever and the syntax of the commands you can use)
5. For what you want to do you will then type "-SYNC" with all caps
6. (there will be some text telling you that it worked or it didn't)
7. Close the terminal window
8. Done.


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

This album is great and Kevin better give me a copy of that recording!!!


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I don't think the nanoloop adapter can send sync from the gameboy to the pc. It only transmits sync TO the gameboy.

This year I wrote 2 songs.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

It's that 8bc thread where NEStrogen was Sarahchip all over again



(11 replies, posted in Releases)

I always say this but "w00t!!"

Man, this is very cool. I'm playing it on My OldBoy emulator with slow clock speeds and various shaders and pallets.

Wicked!  Grabbing the rom now. Does it go on forever or will it eventually "break"?


(13 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

metatronaut wrote:
egr wrote:

No easy wat to do that. You could look into using one side of the vita's stereo out to do tape sync (pulse sync) but you'd need to build a device to translate it into something the arduinoboy could use. And you lose half your piggy output so probably not worth it.

hmm, kinda defeats the purpose for what I was gonna use it for tongue

Any way to sync it with mac or windows?

Same deal. There's no easy sync for any psp like there is for Gameboys and gp2x.


(13 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

No easy wat to do that. You could look into using one side of the vita's stereo out to do tape sync (pulse sync) but you'd need to build a device to translate it into something the arduinoboy could use. And you lose half your piggy output so probably not worth it.


(13 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Google "homebrew psp vita" and you'll find lots of info.

I'm too fat.  Will you make any 2X?  :'(

Lookin great! big_smile

Ditto on the nanoloop support.

BLEO wrote:


Mrwimmer wrote:

Famitracker is free, but if you at all think you have "Wrapped your head around every corner of LSDJ and nanoloop" you are so very, very misguided.

2) http://littlegptracker.com