i'll take that MPX8
emailing you! needed to anyways....
Yay! Thanks
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by egr
i'll take that MPX8
emailing you! needed to anyways....
Yay! Thanks
Seriously. I JUST bought a KP2 on Friday.
Dang. If you're interested in an MPX8 I'll give you a great deal!
Very cool!
PS: thread title says rest instead of reset
Very cool, I'm definitely trying this out!
You can easily do a velocity scaler or filter if you run the midi through your daw or midi tools on windows as well.
That's a good suggestion. I'm already routing audio through Renoise's effects rack so I could easily setup up some midi-thru channels.
That's what I expected. I guess it wouldn't make sense for the midi instrument screen to have a velocity parameter, that's something that would need to be a pattern command.
I can make do, no biggie for now.
(I sent this to the mailing list already, sorry if you've already seen this question)
I'm using Win32 piggy to send midi to mGB but I'm not getting any volume control other than envelope.
I know mGB responds to velocity, I had it hooked up to an external controller for a while. The volume parameter in the the piggy midi instrument screen isn't doing anything for me.
Does piggy send velocity? Or, possibly, can I get mGB to respond to the volume info that piggy is sending?
anamanaguchi did it, they made all 5 channels available to them, and the development carts were for backing tracks.
... is this Ary? I think you're Ary in disguise.
But if not, no matter how many times you say "anamanaguchi did it" it's still not true. You don't understand how NES music works.
Handheld piggy midi yay!
The critics have spoken!
11:53 AM <•borkborkbork> this shit is probably like the most pro shit i've seen from the chip community in a while.
You must have an 8 string guitar or it will never work. Anamannalorealparis had theirs custom made in North Korea before all the craziness started. You may be out of luck
Another update: I switched to a non-backlit gameboy and usb power. No heating up and cart behavior is back to normal. So, moral of the story is careful how you combine your mods I guess.
Holy shit this download package is full of awesome.
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by egr