Organ Trail: Diector's Cut


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

2013 was indeed the year of the dickgirl.  heart

Cool, looking forward to these!


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This was a very cool year for me.

1. First live performance
2. Released my first hell actual album ( )
3. Designed a piece of tech and got it made/sold with help from Kitsch ( )
4. Helped with live shows in Nashville and a Datathrash show at BRKfest
5. Met and interacted with lots of incredible artists and helped a lot of them get their music noticed
6. Went to Disney World with my extended family heart

Probably other stuff.


apologies aren't good enough

i demand reparations

An out of court (but with attorneys present) settlement has been reached that will compensate Timeheater for loss of profits and mental anguish.  As part of this settlement, Datathrash Recordings will now be known as Furry Fun Brony Camp.  Thank you all for your understanding and support during this trying time.

-Arnie Holder, Senior SparkleStar at Furry Fun Brony Camp



(28 replies, posted in Releases)

Say whaaaaatt! yikes How'd I miss this till now?!

Yeah, my bad guys.  As an apology please accept this plate of dicks or bag of salty nuts (but not both, I'm not made of money after all!).

boneder wrote:

yeah lets give him a break for fucking up the first and only release that the label had at the time, screw quality control.

i'm holding arnie personally accountable.

Salty nuts, then?

but for real that's pretty embarrassing, i was young and stupid and things just got out of control, you know how it is... hmm

edit: Also here's how the cover art was supposed to be but hardly anywhere supports animated gifs anymore:

Woahhhhh dude very cool! big_smile


(20 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Im for it. Hands on reviews can be very helpful or simply interesting.

True fact: Bleo loves Duck Dynasty

On psp the instrument volume changes filters a lot.

BLEO wrote:
egr wrote:

im gonna bust this hyphen wide open

I love you, Arnie Holder.

I love you too, man.  /brohug

im gonna bust this hyphen wide open

BLEO wrote:
egr wrote:

Haha awesome!  This seems strangely familiar to me... wink

EDIT: oops, not exactly what i thought it was but if anyone wants to look at some projects based on "smallest possible sample" you can check these out -->

WTF!?!?!? How did I miss these?

I wondered if you'd seen those.  They're just "proof of concept" stuff but I learned some interesting things while working on them.

Several crashes here too. Buy the ticket, take the ride. wink