
I recently acquired a Victor V286P and I'm curious of what trackers I can run on it? It has a 12 MHz processor, 1mb ram, 30mb HD, 3,5" floppy. I'm guessing mostly beeper trackers but it has also an ISA port so maybe also any FM tracker?

/ nordloef


(2 replies, posted in Past Events)

Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/460942817293666

Following info is in Swedish:

Kvällen den 11/5 bjuds det på 8bitars-musik/chiptune/mm på chalmers kårhus vilket även är samma dag som Retrospelsmässan! http://www.retrospelsmassan.se/

Saxar in från Facebookeventet:

Så var det äntligen dags mina damer och herrar. Årets största chiptune/gamemusic/nerdmusic event!

Presenterat i samarbete med Programkommitén PU: http://www.facebook.com/PU.chalmers

Som vanligt så kör vi årets första fest i gamla klassiska göteborg och som vanligt på gasquen, chalmers kårhus.

Årets line-up:

Galen gameboytechno från en minst lika galen man som har turnerat runt i hela världen

En relativt nystartad grupp men med ett bitalicious sound som kommer få fart på dansgolvet

En legend i kretsarna och har gjort musik längre än du!

Mer information kommer!

Glöm inte heller att gilla vår facebooksida för mer generell information kring eventet och vad Fest i 8 bitar-crew har för sig: http://www.facebook.com/enfesti8bitar

/ nordloef


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Spaceman wrote:

I gues I just want a photo that looks like it came from a gba. not four shades of grey like the gb camera and not too clear like an iphone. Does that help?

Also correct me if im wrong, but the gba is 32 bit right?

It will look like the photos from the first cellphones who had an integrated camera. I don't think people will look at it saying "That photo looks like something from a GBA game". But if you're into the whole lo-res digital camera, digital toy cameras and so on then I think its a camera for you smile

(I'm into that shit)


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Spaceman wrote:

I want something with a bit of a 32 bit aesthetic.

What exactly do you mean?


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Placing myself in line if GoingHam and lebuf isn't taking it.

Decktonic wrote:

I would really like to hear a sample of how this sounds...


Second link.

little-scale wrote:

bros, calculator compilation?

Count me in!


All NES/Famicom clones I've tried have sounded quite bad.

The Class Chiptune

(It's like a Mario / N64 Sound)

I got a few requests asking how to get that classic N64-ish sound so I decided to make a video on it. This patch is great for adding fills into your songs as shown by Madeon in many of his hits. Deadmau5 also used this chip tune sound in his track, "Meowtingtons Hax More". I personally love this sound, though I have not yet been able to use it in my tracks... (I'm sure I will when I need to fill in my high frequencies with something).

/ nordloef


(2 replies, posted in Past Events)



Sarofer Zertaga

Starts: 22:00
Entrance: 60 SEK

Kålltorpsgatan 2,
Göteborg, Sweden


/ nordloef


(13 replies, posted in Past Events)

The tour is over and I'm back home again. I got to meet and hang out with so many awesome talented people, both new and old friends. I got to travel to so many cool places and play alongside artists and bands I admire and look up to. It has been an amazing journey and I would just like to thank everyone who has helped me out and made it all possible. I couldn't have made it without you! ♥


(13 replies, posted in Past Events)

Bump! Update with details for todays show in Cologne!


(13 replies, posted in Past Events)

Update! Second Barcelona gig is canceled.

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

I feel embarrased youre doing barcelona but not madrid.

Invite me to something wink


(13 replies, posted in Past Events)

First post has been updated with details for the TBA/TBC Brighton and London gigs.