(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Get this guy on your bill!

lastfuture wrote:
trash80 wrote:

Arduinoboy supports LSDJ keyboard mode if that's your question.
There is also a special version of LSDJ that adds MIDI out, or MIDI note to LSDJ row# trigger, which should work pretty amazingly well in renoise- you have to match the BPM in renoise and LSDJ as it don't receive sync clock due to the architecture- but it should stay in sync as long as the BPMs are the same.

Ah so it really can! Nice, I haven't paid much attention to LSDJ keyboard or the original Arduinoboy so far.

Regarding bpm, I've had Game Boy bpm fluctuating quite a bit actually, I'm not sure how well it would stey in sync without a MIDI sync signal, but it's worth a try.
I've tried recording the four channels of a song after another once and had significantly different recording lengths, off by seconds.

You sure its not renoise then? DAW generated sync is almost always more funky than HW sync.

Lsdj's sync should be pretty cohesive.

lsdj changelog wrote:

2009-07-25: v3.9.d

* tempo calculation was rewritten to get more precise. new error margin
should be about 0.005%.

This is awesome!


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bryface wrote:

also, i think the KP3 is a great Christmas gift - i think your son would really like it and could get a lot of use out of it.  I certainly would!


Gankai highmaruder
Miss. Dracula
8-bit Synthtown

lastfuture wrote:

I would love to see something quite like mgb that actually had a wave channel with waveforms that are changeable via midi cc

Pushpin can do that.

Updated the first post with all of the so far confirmed dates.

Still looking for more shows. Open for everything smile


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

8bitweapon wrote:

Hi Nordloef, same time window. The US part of the tour would be done over various weekends. The European tour would be a solid two week whirlwind tour.

Cool! Sent you an email. smile

Moholmarn wrote:

Gothenburg would be nice! or even trollhättan but i'm not too sure trollhättan has that many chip-heads hmm

Gothenburg would indeed be nice! smile


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

When are you aiming for Europe?


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'm very curious about the GetMidi option. What midi signals can it send?

nanoloop website wrote:


This command inverts the direction so that MIDI signals are sent from the Game Boy to the PC.
The adaptor performs no parsing, each byte is forwarded as it is, may it be valid MIDI data or not. Using this function with random non-MIDI data from a Game Boy program may confuse/crash a PC software and / or the USB / MIDI driver.

barbeque wrote:

I love your music by tobiah

I don't know how many times people have asked which song that is smile

Hayze wrote:

http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyli1 … o1_500.jpg

I'm sure people would buy a lot of these, but i'd like to purchase one for myself.
maybe someone should start bulk making these~

nitro2k01 edit: Made an overly clear thread title.

My friend has one of these but in another color. But he is not using it as a bandana.

chip it good!


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ES-1 heart



(1 replies, posted in Past Events)

BRK a leg!