Hey there! I just got my chipmusic.org account today (finally!), so I thought I would jump in and say hello. I've been performing custom NES visuals since about March. Rather than modifying NES hardware, I'm writing custom software in ASM. If you're interested, you can check out my website at http://www.partytimehexcellent.com, and you can browse through posts related to visuals (video from shows, screen grabs, etc.) by visiting http://www.partytimehexcellent.com/tagg
xcellent/. I'm learning a lot as I do more shows and write more code, and I hope my programming and artistic skills will improve with time. I am lucky enough to have met several of you talented folks at various shows in TX or at 8static. (Hi, friends!) I hope I get to meet or e-meet more of you in the future!