Glad to hear that development is still ongoing. Thanks for the hard work
465 May 8, 2013 8:52 am
Re: HivelyTracker 1.8 out now! (13 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
466 May 1, 2013 12:23 pm
Re: [TI 82/83/83+/84+] Houston... we have a tracker (176 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
well, there's actually a ZX Spectrum emulator for the 68k series. Supposedly it has sound support, too. I doubt it'll be very accurate, but you might want to try it anyway...
@Elektronikz: quirements
467 Apr 29, 2013 11:44 am
Topic: is down (0 replies, posted in General Discussion) is down since almost a week now. already tried to contact carl, but no luck with that so far. anybody know anything? perhaps one of you fb users could message carl about it...
468 Apr 29, 2013 10:46 am
Re: Euan Lynn - Never Grow Up Club (Gameboy Garage Punk! Tees and tapes!) (14 replies, posted in Releases)
nice and raw. that's what real punk is about imho. me likey.
469 Apr 27, 2013 2:40 pm
Topic: [DE] Berlin, 4/30 - SHIFT - RESTORE - ESCAPE - Lecture Performance (0 replies, posted in Past Events) ore-escape
SHIFT - RESTORE - ESCAPE is a series of retro-computing related talks, organized by the Institute of Media Science at the Humboldt-University Berlin. Lots of interesting topics, check out the program at the url given above.
I'll be holding a lecture performance there coming Tuesday, starting 6 pm. Will be talking about Chiptune in general, and of course about 1-bit in particular The talk will be in German. Admission is free.
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Musik- und Medienwissenschaft
Fachgebiet für Medienwissenschaft
Georgenstraße 47
Medientheater (Raum 0.01 - Erdgeschoss)
470 Apr 21, 2013 2:28 pm
Re: What happened to the musician ______? (118 replies, posted in General Discussion)
sil req (rumor said maybe jail)
yeah i often think about him. one of the most awesome chippers imho. even if the rumor was true, he's been missing for, like, 3 years now.
471 Apr 20, 2013 5:35 pm
Re: [TI 82/83/83+/84+] Houston... we have a tracker (176 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Contrary to what I wrote earlier, the 83+ version actually seems to work on the 84+. Some keys might be messed up though, not really sure since I have no means of checking that.
However, be warned: Do not put Houston Tracker on a calc that you need to use for school/university. HT uses the entire RAM, so using Lists/Matrices/Y-Vars and alike is pretty much out of the question once it's installed.
472 Apr 19, 2013 1:28 pm
Re: [TI 82/83/83+/84+] Houston... we have a tracker (176 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Et voilà, the 83+ port is done. Tested it with MirageOS and DoorsCS, but it should work on any newer shell. Also the latest version fixes a minor bug in the 83 port which caused problems with one of the drum sounds.
Unfortunately, I had to reduce the maximum song size in the 83+ version, since the user RAM is much smaller on this machine. In the future, I'll probably need to cut down the 83 version as well.
As with the 83 port, I have no means of testing this on real hardware, so use it at your own risk. Btw if anybody happens to own a TI73, the 83+ version will probably work on that as well.
Anyway, download as always at (contains builds for all supported calcs)
As far as 84+ is concerned, I've said it before and I'll say it again: No, it doesn't work, and I don't plan on supporting it in the near future. There are more interesting things you can do with this one.
473 Apr 18, 2013 12:52 pm
Re: YERZMYEY - "Astral Combat" lo-fi stuff (5 replies, posted in Releases)
This needs more love. Because it rocks. Absolutely amazing what you can do with this, errrmmm, not so powerful program, Yerz. My favs are "Dig it" and "Kaminari".
A chiptune album (pretty aggressive music this time, btw) will come later.
Now that sounds promising, too
474 Apr 17, 2013 10:24 am
Re: [TI 82/83/83+/84+] Houston... we have a tracker (176 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Yup, on Windows you can use VTI 2.5. This one is a bit buggy, make sure you always turn off sound support before closing the emu.
Alternatively, for both Win and *nix you can use the latest beta of Tilem2.
475 Apr 16, 2013 3:38 pm
Re: [TI 82/83/83+/84+] Houston... we have a tracker (176 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
At the moment, both versions are exactly the same. However, on the long run TI82 will be the better choice, since it has slightly more user RAM. So if you intent to buy a TI, get a TI82. (Don't get the 82CS though, as mentioned before, it sucks, and HT won't work on it).
476 Apr 16, 2013 3:14 pm
Re: [TI 82/83/83+/84+] Houston... we have a tracker (176 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
And TI83 port is done. Also, the latest version fixes a critical bug which prevented one of the sound routines from exiting. Please re-download from the usual address. (This package contains the TI83 build as well.)
TI83+ port will probably follow very soon.
477 Apr 15, 2013 9:19 am
Re: [TI 82/83/83+/84+] Houston... we have a tracker (176 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Unfortunately, there's no 83+ support yet. I've started work on an 83 port though. Once that's done, porting to 83+ should be easy.
Btw to the 100+ people who downloaded version 0.1, you should really get the new version, it's way more useful.
478 Apr 12, 2013 7:41 pm
Re: [TI 82/83/83+/84+] Houston... we have a tracker (176 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Houston Tracker 0.2 is here with quite a few new features, including:
- Copy/Cut and a few other things to make editing easier
- 2 new sound routines - TIM-FX (2 PFM channels, various fx), and Mark-2 (3 square wave channels)
- Can now change the song speed from within the song data
- Rudimentary "Live" features: can now pause or loop the current row during playback
- Simple Load/Save: can now preserve one additional song in memory
Sound demo
Website (yeah, HT has it's own website now)
Now there are just a couple things left on my agenda: Multiload/Save with compression, and a channel mute feature, which in turn will allow copying selected channels. Also, there'll probably be a few bugs again. And a lot of optimizing remains to be done, right now some parts of the code are rather bloated. Currently the actual program is about 4.4 kbytes, plus 20k for the song data. That means there are about 2.5k left to work with. Probably the extended save function will eat up most of that. If there's any space left in the end, I might add some more drums and possibly one additional sound routine.
Anyway, enjoy! And please report any bugs you find.
479 Mar 21, 2013 11:29 am
Re: DESUMATE - "NEVERMIND" [Datathrash releases thread] (86 replies, posted in Releases)
YESSSSS Gen Mike rulezzzz!!!!
480 Mar 11, 2013 8:15 pm
Re: Any germans here? (26 replies, posted in General Discussion)
You are right, Hamburg is pretty dead as far as Chip goes. There used to be a collective doing stuff there a while ago, but it seems to have vanished. Generally you're expecting a bit too much, though. Europe isn't like the US. You can't have a chiptune party twice a month here, because the fanbase needed for that simply doesn't exist. And, partly due to the popularity of minimal electro, I don't think there ever will be.
As far as active musicians are concerned, Germany actually has one of the biggest chip scenes in Europe, second only to the UK and maybe Sweden (though Swedish scene is far less active than it used to be). Just a few names that come to mind immediately:
Midi Man
Chris Huelsbeck
mini roc
Low Bit Revolte
Tom Woxom
MM Project
Blörb der Bär
edit: Oh, and bitmuch, how could I forget her