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Topics by alice
Posts found: 4
nitro2k01 wrote:A day late and a dollar short. What they're ultimately after is killing piracy. First they released PSP 3000 which killed the Pandora battery, but soon people figured out how to hack it. Then they released PSP Go which was set out to kill piracy, it was pretty much a commercial failure. Now they're trying to do the same thing again but they're also including a phone, but without the benefit of being able to almost directly port old PSP software. Mark my words, this is going to be a complete and utter failure.
wtf... you can't port the old PSP software? that's such FAIL... 
Smendrick the Magician wrote:I wonder how much this suckers gonna cost.
apparently retailing for almost 300 bucks.
It seems like the PlayStation Phone is finally *really* happening. Are there actually people considering to get it?
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Posts found: 4 / Forums / Posts by alice