Uhm, yes. Brnkit.

FUUUUUUUU wish I could be there. Live feed please.

Uhm, this show will demolish. Wish I could make it!


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

spacetownsavior wrote:

EDIT: wow! I just realized this is kind of EXACTLY what I want from music performance! the reason electronic music is fake-performed so often is because people don't know what the performer's relationship with the music coming from the speakers is...so anything that allows the audience to connect the performer with the music easier is awesome. and this is totally a way to connect the performer and his music, even if the performance only consists of triggering clips and adding effects.

This is actually where I think this guy (and the controllers he's created) fails. If he hadn't had a powerpoint explaining what was going on, I wouldn't have had a single clue what he was doing. That's the one thing that I do actually like about the controller culture and things like monomes (which I don't like for a series of other reasons previously listed by others) - they succeed in the sense that when an artist pushes a button or turns a knob, the audience hears the result. This dude just stood there and wobbled a bit (maybe he gets into it eventually, I couldn't sit through the whole thing.)

Oh, also, the music was boring/vanilla-as-shit.

I'll agree that the problem of "what-the-fuck-is-he/she-doing-up-there" plagues gameboy musicians. That's where triggering loops live, soloing/muting and playing with the EQ come in - something that allows the audience to build a relationship between what they see happening and what they hear.



(23 replies, posted in Releases)

likeluke wrote:
DeMarko wrote:

...can someone please make some reggaeton with a Gameboy?

meneo doggie!



(23 replies, posted in Releases)

Thanks Dot.AY! It was great to finally meet you in person. That babycastles show was super-fun. Felt pretty lucky to play alongside Joey and Nathan with Batsly ripping up the wall.

Here's a little dubhorn for ya. And playing along is heartily encouraged smile


(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SKGB wrote:

please excuse me if i de-rail but is there anyone doing viz like this?

OHMIGOD THIS IS FANTASTIC. We need to see more of this.


(23 replies, posted in Releases)

I plainflavored to plainflavored and plainflavored it.

Glad you enjoyed it smile


(23 replies, posted in Releases)

I hope I didn't let you down this time, celcius smile Thanks for the listens guys. Glad you dig it.

Oh but seriously, where's the dubhorn? I thought this guy did reggaeton or something...


(23 replies, posted in Releases)

Units. Added and subtracted in space. Rendered yet altogether measurable. These units are sound - distorted and loud. And space is a dark room full of sweaty drunkards. Back that azz up.

6 tracks of dirt, grime, crunch and kicks. (Download includes the EP as a continuous mix - hence the heftier size. Keep your preference and chuck the rest!)


This is damn fresh.

Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification. I was worried I would never be able to cancel a loop again...

Wait... I don't get this. Are you talking about in live mode? Because then that fucks up a whole WORLD of shit for people who trigger loops independently and on the fly. [runs off to check this out...]

This is happening on my birthday weekend. All the more reason to save up and go! Almost two years without a trip to an onsen is way too long...

holy shit knife city! dude's jams is solid. and hellyes to the nesdev workshop!